Investment returns may be lower in the future | Summary and Q&A

October 10, 2023
The Evidence-Based Investor
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Investment returns may be lower in the future


Expect lower investment returns in the future due to a savings glut, prompting the need for diversified portfolios and patient, disciplined investing.

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Key Insights

  • 😘 A "savings glut" has contributed to increased prices in asset classes, potentially leading to lower investment returns.
  • 😘 Investors face the dilemma of balancing risk reduction with the need for higher risk to counteract potential lower returns.
  • 🛀 Private equity has shown a narrower gap and slimmer outperformance compared to public equity in recent years.


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Questions & Answers

Q: What is the main reason behind the possibility of lower investment returns in the future?

According to Annti Ilmanen, an investment strategist, the main reason is the "savings glut," which has been ongoing for the past 20 years. This glut includes higher savings rates from emerging markets, pension savers, and the wealthy.

Q: Should investors reduce or increase their investment risk to adapt to potential lower returns?

Ilmanen suggests a balanced approach. Investors can consider both reducing and increasing risk, but the middle way appeals to him. Sticking with the long-term normal amount of risk while accepting lower returns may be the prudent choice.

Q: How does private equity compare to publicly listed stocks in terms of performance?

Private equity initially outperformed public markets in the mid-2000s but has shown narrower gaps and slimmer outperformance in recent years. Historical data suggests a significant narrowing of the valuation gap between private and public equity.

Q: What advice does Ilmanen provide for ordinary investors?

He advises investors to diversify broadly and remain patient and disciplined. Good investing results require both good investments and good investors. Furthermore, he emphasizes the importance of humility, discipline, probabilistic thinking, and avoiding emotional decision-making.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The concept of a "savings glut" has led to increased prices in major asset classes, such as stocks, bonds, and property, potentially resulting in lower future investment returns.

  • Investors are faced with the dilemma of whether to reduce risk or take more risk to offset potential lower returns.

  • Private Equity, once seen as a better investment option, has recently shown narrow gaps and slimmer outperformance compared to public equity.

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