I Was Scared of Muslims | My Journey to Islam | Summary and Q&A

A former Christian from the Philippines converts to Islam after researching different versions of the Bible and engaging in a debate with a Jordanian Muslim.
Key Insights
- 🥺 Rashid's research on various Bible translations and his inability to find satisfactory answers led him to explore other religions.
- 🤗 The welcoming and open-minded attitude of the Office on Muslim Affairs and the Jordanian Muslim encouraged Rashid to learn more about Islam.
- 👻 Rashid's willingness to engage in a debate allowed him to question his own beliefs and ultimately find clarity and truth.
- 😊 Despite potential challenges and opposition, Rashid remains proud of his Filipino identity while embracing his newfound faith in Islam.
- 🤗 Rashid's conversion highlights the importance of knowledge, critical thinking, and open dialogue in shaping one's religious beliefs.
- 🖤 The authenticity and lack of skepticism regarding God's existence and the scriptures were significant factors in Rashid's conversion.
- ✊ Rashid's experience demonstrates the power of personal conviction and the profound impact of engaging in meaningful conversations with individuals from different religious backgrounds.
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Questions & Answers
Q: What led Rashid Santos to start researching different versions of the Bible?
Rashid Santos became curious about the numerous translations of the Bible after realizing he owned over 46 different versions. This prompted him to question why there were so many variations.
Q: How did Rashid's interaction with the Jordanian Muslim influence his decision to convert?
During the debate, the Jordanian Muslim posed challenging questions about Christianity that Rashid was unable to answer satisfactorily. This caused Rashid to reflect on the validity of his beliefs and ultimately accept the truth in Islam.
Q: Did Rashid face any opposition when he converted to Islam?
While some relatives expressed concern or speculated that Rashid's father would be angry, he remained firm in his conviction. Rashid even mentioned that had his father been alive, he might have invited him to Islam as well.
Q: Did Rashid change his citizenship after converting to Islam?
No, Rashid clarified that converting to Islam did not require him to change his Filipino citizenship. He proudly identifies as 100% Filipino and does not see his conversion as a threat to his national identity.
Summary & Key Takeaways
Rashid Santos, a former Protestant Christian, conducted extensive research on different Bible translations and questioned the authenticity of the scriptures.
Seeking answers, Rashid reached out to the Office on Muslim Affairs in the Philippines and engaged in a debate with a Jordanian Muslim.
Unable to adequately counter the Muslim's questions, Rashid realized the truth in Islam and converted, despite potential opposition from family members.
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