The way we think about work is broken | Barry Schwartz | Summary and Q&A

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The way we think about work is broken | Barry Schwartz


In this TED Talk, the speaker explores the reasons why we work and how false ideas about human nature shape the work we do.

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Key Insights

  • 💼 The work we do is engaging, meaningful, and challenging, and material rewards are not the main motivation for why we work.
  • 🌍 The majority of people on the planet do monotonous and soul-deadening work because capitalism created a mode of production that eliminated nonmaterial satisfactions from work.
  • 🔬 Science creates ideas that shape our understanding of ourselves and influence how we think, aspire, and act. These ideas play a crucial role in shaping human beings.
  • ⚙️ Idea technology, the technology of ideas, is different from the technology of things. False ideas about human beings can persist and shape institutions and ways of living.
  • 💰 The industrial revolution created a factory system consistent with the false view that people are lazy and only motivated by rewards. False ideas can create circumstances that make them true.
  • 🔧 Adam Smith understood that the shape of the institution within which people work can make them as stupid as possible. The workplace environment shapes individuals and deprives them of satisfying work.
  • 🌍 We have to be mindful of the theories we have about human nature because they will shape and change human beings. Human nature is created by the institutions within which people live and work.
  • 💼 As leaders, we should ask ourselves what kind of human nature we want to help design as we run our organizations. We have the power to shape the institutions that people live and work within.


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Questions & Answers

Q: Why do we work?

We work not just to make a living, but because the work we do can be challenging, engaging, stimulating, and meaningful. For many of us, our work gives us a sense of purpose and importance beyond monetary compensation.

Q: How is it that the majority of people on the planet have monotonous and soul-deadening jobs?

The answer lies in the impact of technology, specifically the technology of ideas. Social sciences have shaped our understanding of work and human nature. False ideas about laziness or the need for external rewards have influenced the creation of work systems that prioritize productivity over workers' fulfillment.

Q: How does idea technology differ from the technology of things?

Idea technology, the creation of ideas through science and social sciences, has a unique influence on our lives and actions. While bad technology can disappear, false ideas about human nature persist if people believe and institutionalize them. This perpetuates circumstances where work becomes solely about material rewards rather than personal fulfillment.

Q: How do false ideas about human beings influence the work environment?

False ideas can shape the very nature of institutions and work environments, creating circumstances where people become fitted to the demands of soulless jobs. Adam Smith's belief that human beings are inherently lazy contributed to the establishment of a factory system that limited job satisfaction. The shape of the institution influences the type of people it produces.

Q: What should those in positions of power consider when designing organizations?

As masters of organizations, it is essential to consider the kind of human nature being fostered within those institutions. Understanding that human nature is more created than discovered, leaders should strive to design environments that promote meaningful work and foster human fulfillment.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The speaker questions why people work and emphasizes that material rewards are not the main motivator for most individuals.

  • The speaker argues that the majority of people have jobs that lack meaning and satisfaction because of the false ideas and ideologies that shape their work environments.

  • The idea of "idea technology" is introduced, emphasizing the importance of ideas in shaping human behavior and the need for careful consideration of the theories and beliefs that shape our understanding of human nature.

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