DECEMBER 2022 TBR [Final TBR of the year]!!! | Summary and Q&A

December 3, 2022
Megan's Reading Revelations
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DECEMBER 2022 TBR [Final TBR of the year]!!!


Megan shares her December TBR (To-Be-Read) list, including fantasy novels and a non-fiction book on comparing Christianity and Islam.

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Key Insights

  • 📙 Megan has a diverse taste in books, ranging from YA fantasy to non-fiction.
  • 🌍 She enjoys exploring different fantasy worlds and discovering complex magic systems.
  • 📚 Megan values the accessibility of audiobooks from her library and chooses books based on availability.
  • ❓ The comparison of religions in "No One But God" offers a unique perspective on theological discussions.
  • 🫠 The limited number of books by Nabil Qureshi makes them all the more special to read, particularly as the author has passed away.
  • 📔 Megan appreciates learning about other cultures and religions through books.
  • 🌍 The Dark Artifices series by Cassandra Clare is a significant series in the Shadowhunter world, and Megan wants to complete it.


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Questions & Answers

Q: Why did Megan choose to read "Queen of Air and Darkness" by Cassandra Clare?

Megan decided to read "Queen of Air and Darkness" because she never finished the Dark Artifices series and wanted to catch up on the Shadowhunter world. She also canceled her subscription to Scribd, limiting her access to audiobooks from her library, and this book was available as an audiobook.

Q: What is the plot of "The Whispering Dark" by Kelly Andrews?

"The Whispering Dark" follows the story of Delaney, a deaf girl who overcame obstacles to be accepted into a prestigious University. At the University, they teach students how to navigate parallel worlds. Delaney crosses paths with Colton, someone she saved from a near-death experience when they were younger. They work together to investigate the death of a classmate and uncover something originating from another world.

Q: What is Sansia's mission in "Locklands" by Robert Jackson Bennett?

Sansia, the protagonist of "Locklands," is a thief who completes a mission in the first book that exposes deeper issues within the magic system of the world. In this book, she fights against an antagonist who uses scribing magic to control objects and people. Sansia and her allies must uncover the origins of scribing to defeat this enemy.

Q: What is the premise of the Mistborn series and "The Lost Metal" by Brandon Sanderson?

The Mistborn series takes place in a world where certain individuals can use Allomancy, a form of magic. "The Lost Metal" is set in the second era of the Mistborn series and follows main characters Wax, Wayne, Steris, and Maristy as they continue their fight against the set, a group controlled by Wax's late uncle and sister. The set worships a God named Trell, and their actions threaten Ellendale's government.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Megan plans to read five books in December, including "Queen of air and darkness" by Cassandra Clare, "The whispering dark" by Kelly Andrews, "Locklands" by Robert Jackson Bennett, "The Lost Metal" by Brandon Sanderson, and "No One But God" by Nabil Qureshi.

  • "Queen of air and darkness" is the third book in the Dark Artifices series, and Megan wants to finish the series and catch up on the Shadowhunter world.

  • "The whispering dark" is a YA fantasy novel following a deaf girl named Delaney and a character named Colton, who investigate a mysterious death at a prestigious University that involves parallel worlds.

  • "Locklands" is book three in the Founders Trilogy, featuring a thief named Sansia and her band of Misfits as they fight against an entity that uses scribing magic to control people and objects.

  • "The Lost Metal" is book seven in the Mistborn series, where the main characters battle against a group controlled by wax's late uncle and sister, who are attempting to corrupt the government in Ellendale.

  • "No One But God" is a non-fiction book by Nabil Qureshi, comparing Christianity and Islam, written by a Pakistani American who converted to Christianity after thorough discussions and comparisons.

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