Coca Cola Muslim Generation Questions and Answers by A.R.G. | Summary and Q&A

December 13, 2007
Digital Mimbar
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Coca Cola Muslim Generation Questions and Answers by A.R.G.


Muslims face challenges in maintaining Islamic principles due to societal influences, such as the consumption of Coca-Cola, acceptance of democracy, and cultural imperialism.

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Key Insights

  • 🇪🇭 The influence of Western culture and societal pressures can challenge Muslims in maintaining Islamic principles.
  • 🥺 The spreading of myths and misinformation can lead to false beliefs and misunderstandings about Islam.
  • 🫒 Balancing adherence to Islamic principles while living in non-Muslim societies requires careful consideration and understanding of Islamic teachings.
  • ❓ Muslims should prioritize their relationship with Allah and strive to practice Islam authentically, both individually and collectively.
  • ❓ Cultural identity should not supersede religious principles, and Muslims should focus on what is pleasing to Allah rather than societal expectations.


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Questions & Answers

Q: Is it true that Coca-Cola is owned by Jews and contributes to the killing of Palestinians?

This is a myth spread by Pepsi to ban Coca-Cola in Arab countries. Even if it were true, it does not necessarily mean buying Coca-Cola is Haram.

Q: Is insurance Haram in Islam?

Insurance is generally Haram as it involves aspects of Riba and gambling. However, in cases of necessity, such as car insurance in countries where it is required, it may be permissible but should be minimized.

Q: Is Hijra from non-Muslim countries obligatory for Muslims?

Scholars have different opinions on Hijra, with some considering it obligatory and others permitting Muslims to live in non-Muslim countries as long as they can practice Islam freely.

Q: Can Muslim women work in hijab in mixed environments?

Islam encourages both men and women to avoid mixed-gender work environments. However, in certain situations, such as financial necessity, women may work while maintaining proper Islamic dress and behavior.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Coca-Cola ownership and alleged support for Israel: The belief that Coca-Cola is owned by Jews and contributes to the killing of Palestinians is a myth spread by Pepsi to ban Coca-Cola in Arab countries. Even if it were true, trading with non-Muslims does not necessarily mean supporting their actions.

  • Insurance and Riba: Insurance is considered Haram in Islam as it shows a lack of trust in Allah and involves aspects of Riba (interest) and gambling. However, it may be allowed in cases of necessity, such as car insurance in countries where it is legally required.

  • Migration (Hijra) and Mixed Work Environments: Hijra (migration) from non-Muslim countries is a topic of debate among scholars, with some considering it obligatory and others considering it permissible to live as long as one can practice Islam freely. Muslims, both men and women, should avoid mixed work environments as it goes against Islamic principles of gender segregation.

  • Music and Polygamy: Music is considered Haram in Islam, as stated by the Prophet Muhammad. Polygamy is permissible under specific conditions, including the ability to treat wives justly and equitably.

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