Under the Perfect Sun at 20 Years: a conversation with Jim Miller & Kelly Mayhew | Summary and Q&A

March 7, 2023
San Diego Public Library
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Under the Perfect Sun at 20 Years: a conversation with Jim Miller & Kelly Mayhew


A comprehensive analysis of San Diego's history and current challenges, including housing inequality and the impact of private interests on local governance.

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Key Insights

  • 🖤 San Diego's history has been shaped by a tension between government initiative and private power, resulting in a lack of countervailing influences to capitalist interests.
  • 📔 The book highlights the importance of a progressive political movement that unites various communities to challenge the dominance of economic elites.
  • 🎅 Housing inequality, homelessness, and over-policing are ongoing issues in San Diego, reflecting the city's weak municipal institutions and historic resistance to change.
  • 🤩 The impact of the U.S. invasion of Iraq and the importance of addressing climate change are other key considerations discussed in the book.


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Questions & Answers

Q: How does the book address the impact of the U.S. invasion of Iraq on San Diego?

While not explicitly discussed in the content provided, the authors mention the importance of the anti-war movement and its connection to San Diego's history. The book likely explores the local response to the invasion and its effects on the community.

Q: How does the book address the issue of housing inequality in San Diego?

The authors mention the issue of housing inequality and the affordability crisis, particularly for working-class communities. They also acknowledge the role of private interests in shaping the housing market and the need for progressive policies.

Q: Does the book discuss the NIMBY (Not In My Backyard) problem in San Diego?

The specific issue of NIMBYism is not mentioned in the content provided, but the authors do critique the influence of private interests and the resistance to affordable housing in the city. The book likely explores the dynamics of NIMBYism within San Diego's housing context.

Q: What insights does the book offer on the relationship between the private sector and local governance in San Diego?

The book emphasizes the historical dominance of private interests in San Diego's governance, with weak municipal institutions compared to other cities. It likely discusses the challenges faced in balancing the needs of the private sector with those of the public and the struggle for more equitable representation.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • "Under the Perfect Sun" is a book that examines the complex history and challenges faced by San Diego, including the dominance of private interests in governance.

  • The book is divided into three sections: a top-down history, a bottom-up people's history, and a section exploring the intersection of the two.

  • The authors highlight the importance of a progressive political movement that unites various communities to address issues of economic and racial inequality.

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