Sued by a Debt Collector? Don't Give Up! | Summary and Q&A

A court ruling in an Arizona junk debt buyer case has resulted in a victory for the consumer, with a potential refund for attorney's fees.
Key Insights
- 💳 Junk debt buyers purchase old charged-off debts from credit card companies for a fraction of their value.
- 🌥️ Midland Funding, one of the largest debt buyers, filed over 500,000 lawsuits in one year alone.
- ❤️🩹 Many individuals sued by debt buyers are unaware of the lawsuits and end up with default judgments.
- 🥺 Responding to lawsuits and seeking legal assistance can lead to favorable outcomes or settlements.
- ❓ The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has imposed sanctions on numerous debt buyers for their practices.
- 👽 Debt buyers can take actions such as wage garnishment, bank account levies, and property liens once they have a judgment.
- ✌️ Arizona consumers have strong defenses against debt buyer lawsuits, as shown by the victory in the mentioned case.
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Questions & Answers
Q: What are junk debt buyer cases, and why are they important?
Junk debt buyers purchase old charged-off debts from credit card companies and file lawsuits to collect on them. These cases are significant as they impact thousands of people's finances.
Q: What happens when a debt is charged off?
When a credit card company determines they can no longer collect on a debt, they charge it off as a loss on their books. However, they can still attempt to collect on it or sell it to a junk debt buyer.
Q: How do junk debt buyers operate?
Most debt buyers purchase these debts for pennies on the dollar, sometimes less than a penny. They then file a large volume of lawsuits to collect on these debts, potentially resulting in default judgments for individuals who do not respond.
Q: What should individuals do if they receive a lawsuit from a debt buyer?
If served with a lawsuit from a debt buyer, it is crucial to respond within 20 days to avoid a default judgment. Seeking legal advice and understanding one's defenses can help in fighting these cases.
Summary & Key Takeaways
A court ruled in favor of a client in a case against junk debt buyer Midland Funding, who had claimed the client owed over $20,000.
This victory marks the second time the court has ruled in favor of the consumer, potentially resulting in the consumer receiving a refund for attorney's fees.
Junk debt buyers purchase charged-off debts from credit card companies and file lawsuits to collect on them.
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