Pride & Arrogance - Powerful Reminder - Daood Butt | Summary and Q&A

October 5, 2014
Digital Mimbar
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Pride & Arrogance - Powerful Reminder - Daood Butt


Pride is permissible in Islam, while arrogance is not. It is important for Muslims to differentiate between the two.

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Key Insights

  • 🤔 Arrogance in Islam is when one challenges Allah's command and thinks they know better.
  • 🏳️‍🌈 Pride in being Muslim is permissible and should be encouraged.
  • 💁 Neglecting prayers or questioning their purpose is a form of arrogance.
  • 🆘 Staying humble and prioritizing Allah's commands can help Muslims avoid arrogance.
  • 🎮 The video emphasizes the importance of understanding the difference between arrogance and pride in Islam.
  • ❓ Muslims should strive to avoid arrogance and seek closeness to Allah.
  • 😊 Being proud of one's faith is not the same as being arrogant.


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Questions & Answers

Q: What is the difference between arrogance and pride in Islam?

Arrogance in Islam is when one challenges Allah's command and thinks they know better. Pride, however, is permissible and we should be proud of our identity as Muslims.

Q: Can Muslims be proud of being Muslim?

Yes, Muslims can and should be proud of their faith. There is nothing wrong with expressing pride in being Muslim and following the commands of Allah.

Q: How can one unknowingly show arrogance in their faith?

An example of unknowingly showing arrogance is when someone neglects their prayers by thinking they don't need them or by challenging the purpose of prayer. This challenges Allah's command and is considered arrogant behavior.

Q: How can Muslims avoid arrogance and remain true to their faith?

Muslims can avoid arrogance by staying humble and recognizing that Allah's commands are superior. It is important to prioritize following Allah's guidance rather than thinking we know better.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The video discusses the difference between arrogance and pride in Islam.

  • Arrogance is when one challenges the command of Allah and thinks they know better.

  • Pride, on the other hand, is permissible and we should be proud to be Muslims.

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