Julia Presnyakov

Julia Presnyakov


"During my studies, I’d learned a few interesting things, that I’ve never ever really talked to someone about, and never tried to write them down — and now I wish I had those insights written down, so that I could analyze them a bit more"
Julia Presnyakov
Not so trivial.
"I highly recommend to scribble down any spontaneous idea or thought — in an app editor, google docs file (you find your own suitable way) — but please do, you would never know how this idea could help you in the future, or even might help to spark an even better idea."
Julia Presnyakov
Not so trivial.
"I was all puzzled before going to college. Somehow I had this weird idea in my mind that structured studies might help me get a better understanding of what I should do with my life."
Julia Presnyakov
Not so trivial.
"I was a lost soul, wandering around, waiting for someone to grab me and put some sense and logic in me."
Julia Presnyakov
Not so trivial.
"I could never decide on anything in my life, let alone choosing a degree."
Julia Presnyakov
Not so trivial.
"I’ve never ever really talked to someone about, and never tried to write them down — and now I wish I had those insights written down, so that I could analyze them a bit more — perhaps I could find more sense in my present that I can’t seem to find."
Julia Presnyakov
Not so trivial.

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