Tara B

Tara B

Interested in learning, self-care and productivity



"recently on my following page on there I’ve seen highlights about social media usage for teens and from the popular section I’ve seen highlights about humans being social animals, ways to retain more from the books you read"
Tara B
How to find new things to learn
"I love it for getting articles that are tailored to me and my interests. It saves me time searching and I wake up to these in my inbox, ready for my day."
Tara B
How to find new things to learn
"It’s not just highlighting for yourself, but you can use other people’s highlights as jumping-off points to learn more!"
Tara B
How to find new things to learn
"It’s a great tool to learn more and see what others are finding important."
Tara B
How to find new things to learn
"It doesn’t disturb you when you’re reading. You don’t have to stop, go to a different page or to your physical notes and then back to reading in order to highlight and gather information. You can simply collect all the information from the page you’re reading at one time and then process it later into your note taking software."
Tara B
Glasp – Capturing Information from the Web
"You can find people who are looking up the same information as you are and learn more from them. Build on their ideas, see what other folks are finding important and why."
Tara B
Glasp – Capturing Information from the Web
"It’s not just somewhere to store links to read later, but to use Glasp you actually have to start processing whatever it is that you’re reading, taking note and highlighting."
Tara B
Glasp – Capturing Information from the Web
"Then you’re going to want to head over to the Glasp home page, go to “My Highlights”, find the article you want to grab your quotes from and select “Copy Content” in the top right."
Tara B
Glasp – Capturing Information from the Web
"If you’re learning for fun or reading for fun you don’t need to be able to recall everything at the drop of a hat. And you need a good system to manage what you’re learning. And this is where Glasp comes in."
Tara B
How Do I Remember Everything?
"It’s a social web highlighter that doesn’t disturb your reading experience but allows you to learn in public with many other people. You simply highlight quotes from whatever you’re reading like news articles or more in depth, specific things and then they get saved to your profile. It builds a collection of what you’re learning about."
Tara B
How Do I Remember Everything?
"So instead of having to save all of my notes in physical books or just use Obsidian (definitely recommend checking out my previous blogs here , here and here), I’ve been using Glasp to collect all of the information together."
Tara B
How Do I Remember Everything?
"Since the Digital Me has launched I’ve been using it more and more to look at my previous notes and be able to have a sort of “second me” to ask those questions I was talking about earlier, narrowing things down until I can recall the information."
Tara B
How Do I Remember Everything?
"With this I no longer need to recall everything myself, I don’t need to remember what folder I saved things under or specific words to search to bring up all notes on a topic. I can use Glasp and my tags and the Digital Me to help out with that. And it’s great."
Tara B
How Do I Remember Everything?
"Honestly Refind is one of the top things I’ve signed up to this year along with Glasp and Finch."
Tara B
How to find new things to learn

Want to Save Quotes?

Glasp is a social web highlighter that people can highlight and organize quotes and thoughts from the web, and access other like-minded people’s learning.