The Power of Collaboration and Impact Measurement in Local Government and Civic Tech

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Mar 07, 2024

3 min read


The Power of Collaboration and Impact Measurement in Local Government and Civic Tech


In a world where communities are constantly evolving, the role of local government and civic tech organizations becomes increasingly vital. Both entities are responsible for driving positive change and addressing the needs of the people they serve. This article explores the common threads between these two sectors - collaboration and impact measurement - and their significance in shaping a better future.

Collaboration: The Key to Shaping a New Future

One of the highlights from the LGNZ conference was the discussion on reimagining local government. Caren Rangi emphasized the importance of working in partnership to support communities. She highlighted the role that arts, culture, and creativity play in this endeavor, citing the regenerative impact they had on rebuilding Ōtautahi after the earthquakes. Rangi challenged local government leaders to share leadership and instill a culture of partnership, emphasizing the need for a brave space where shared leadership is fostered.

Similarly, the OpenUp blog emphasized the need to understand the groups of people using civic tech tools. By defining and validating user groups, organizations can tailor their tools to meet specific needs. This collaborative approach ensures that the tools are effective for different types of users. OpenUp's implementation of exit intent pop-ups to gather user data is a prime example of how collaboration can inform decision-making and drive improvements in tools.

Impact Measurement: A Necessity for Growth

Measuring the impact of initiatives and tools is crucial for both local government and civic tech organizations. It serves multiple purposes, including informing internal decisions, driving improvements in tools, and communicating impact with partners. However, traditional metrics like website hits or sign-ups do not provide a holistic view of impact. Instead, organizations need to focus on changes in end outcomes and understand how tools are being used by different user segments.

OpenUp's process for implementing impact measurement provides valuable insights. By combining aggregate data from Google Analytics with user data gathered through pop-ups, organizations can understand the effectiveness of their tools for each user segment. This approach allows for a deeper understanding of impact and guides future enhancements.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Foster Collaboration: Local government leaders should prioritize building relationships with communities. This involves dedicating time and resources to invest deeply in relationships, ensuring that the work truly reflects the needs and aspirations of the communities they serve. By embracing shared leadership and creating safe spaces for collaboration, local government can drive meaningful change.
  • 2. Define User Groups and Measure Effectiveness: Civic tech organizations should define their user groups and validate them through data collection methods like exit intent pop-ups. By understanding who their users are, organizations can tailor their tools to meet specific needs. Additionally, measuring the effectiveness of tools for different user segments provides insights for improvement and innovation.
  • 3. Embrace Impact Measurement as a Continuous Process: Impact measurement should not be a one-time endeavor. Organizations should embed impact measurement processes into their ways of working and make it a part of their culture. Regular assessments through pop-ups or other data collection methods can provide valuable feedback and guide decision-making.


Collaboration and impact measurement are essential elements in the pursuit of positive change in local government and civic tech. By fostering collaboration, local government leaders can tap into the collective wisdom of their communities and create a shared leadership space. Similarly, civic tech organizations can enhance their tools by understanding user needs and measuring their effectiveness. As both sectors embrace these principles, they pave the way for a future where communities thrive and innovation flourishes.

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