Measuring the Impact of OpenUp's Civic Tech Tools and Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Nov 12, 2023

4 min read


Measuring the Impact of OpenUp's Civic Tech Tools and Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder

Impact measurement is crucial when it comes to assessing the effectiveness of civic tech tools. By measuring impact, organizations can make informed decisions, improve tools, and communicate their impact to partners. However, measuring impact in the civic tech space is not always easy, as it requires focusing on changes in end outcomes rather than traditional tech engagement metrics.

At OpenUp, they have implemented a process for measuring impact on some of their projects. The first step is to define and validate the groups of people using their tools. By understanding who the tools are designed for and how they are being used, they can better assess their impact. OpenUp has used "exit intent" pop-ups on their tools to gather data on user groups, ensuring they have a clear understanding of their users.

Once the user groups have been defined and validated, OpenUp moves on to understanding how many users of each group they have. Using tools like Google Analytics, they can determine the total amount of traffic visiting their site. However, this is just the beginning of impact measurement. By combining aggregate data with information gathered from pop-ups, OpenUp can delve deeper and assess the effectiveness of their tools for different user segments.

Through this approach, OpenUp has learned valuable insights about the impact their tools generate. For example, their Wazimap tool has a wide range of users, including civil servants, private sector employees, citizens, academics, civil society employees, journalists, students, and elected officials. However, the tool is only effective for about two-thirds of users and less effective for journalists. They have also discovered that the tool performs significantly better on desktop compared to mobile devices.

In addition to measuring impact, OpenUp has also learned valuable lessons about the process itself. They have found that people do respond to quick pop-ups, with response rates ranging from 5-15% depending on the tool and device. They have also determined that periodic impact measurement through pop-ups is likely sufficient, rather than continuous assessments. However, they emphasize that embedding these impact measurement processes and findings into teams' ways of working takes time. Building a culture of measurement and learning goes beyond just collecting data.

While impact measurement is crucial in the civic tech space, it is also important to address other issues that impact individuals and communities. One such issue is Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), a condition that affects brain development and impacts social interaction and communication. ASD is characterized by limited and repetitive patterns of behavior.

The term "spectrum" in Autism Spectrum Disorder refers to the wide range of symptoms and severity that individuals with ASD can experience. Symptoms can vary widely, but some common signs include difficulties with social interaction, challenges with verbal and nonverbal communication, repetitive behaviors, and intense interests in specific subjects.

Understanding and diagnosing ASD can be complex, as symptoms can present differently in each individual. Early intervention and treatment are crucial for individuals with ASD to improve their social and communication skills and enhance their overall quality of life. Various therapies, such as applied behavior analysis, speech therapy, and occupational therapy, can help individuals with ASD develop important skills and overcome challenges.

In conclusion, measuring the impact of civic tech tools is essential for organizations like OpenUp to make informed decisions, improve tools, and communicate their impact effectively. By implementing a process for impact measurement, OpenUp has gained valuable insights into the effectiveness of their tools and the process itself. However, impact measurement should not be the only focus in the tech space. It is equally important to address other issues like Autism Spectrum Disorder, which affects individuals' social interaction and communication skills. Early intervention and treatment can greatly improve the lives of individuals with ASD.

Three actionable advice for organizations in the civic tech space are:

  • 1. Define and validate your user groups: Understand who your tools are designed for and how they are being used. This will help you assess the impact of your tools more effectively.
  • 2. Utilize pop-ups to gather data: Implement quick pop-ups to gather information from users, such as their satisfaction with the tool and their ability to achieve their goals. This data can guide you in improving the effectiveness of your tools for different user segments.
  • 3. Build a culture of measurement and learning: Embed impact measurement processes and findings into your teams' ways of working. This goes beyond just collecting data and requires time and effort to create a culture that values measurement and learning.

By following these actionable advice, organizations can enhance their impact measurement efforts and make a positive difference in the civic tech space.

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