Measuring Impact and Capturing the Essence of a Neon-Lit Johannesburg

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Aug 03, 2023

4 min read


Measuring Impact and Capturing the Essence of a Neon-Lit Johannesburg


In today's fast-paced world, measuring the impact of civic tech tools has become essential. This not only helps organizations make informed decisions but also drives improvements and enhances communication with partners. However, traditional metrics may not align with long-term impact, necessitating a shift towards understanding how tools are being used and by whom. OpenUp, a civic tech organization, has implemented a process for measuring impact, focusing on changes in end outcomes rather than just online engagement metrics.

Understanding User Groups:

Defining and validating user groups is the first step in impact measurement. OpenUp uses an innovative "exit intent" pop-up feature to gather data on users leaving the site. By asking simple questions like "who are you," the organization can validate user groups based on their theory of change. This enables them to identify and understand the different types of users for their civic tech tools.

Assessing User Engagement:

Measuring the number of users for each group is a crucial aspect of impact measurement. OpenUp utilizes Google Analytics to determine the total traffic visiting their site. However, they go beyond aggregate data by combining it with information from their pop-ups. For example, they can determine that 20% of their total users are civil servants. This provides a deeper understanding of the reach and impact of their tools.

Evaluating Tool Effectiveness:

To gauge the effectiveness of their tools for different user segments, OpenUp asks users about their satisfaction and goal achievement through pop-ups. This feedback serves as a guide for improving the tools and tailoring them to the specific needs of various user groups. By understanding which features are most useful, OpenUp can enhance the overall user experience and maximize the impact of their civic tech tools.

Discovering Impact Insights:

Through their impact measurement approach, OpenUp has uncovered valuable insights about the impact generated by their tools. For instance, their Wazimap tool caters to a diverse range of users, including civil servants, private sector employees, citizens, academics, journalists, and elected officials. However, it is only effective for two-thirds of users and less so for journalists. Additionally, the tool performs better on desktop devices compared to mobile devices. These insights allow OpenUp to refine their tools and target specific user segments for more impactful results.

The Power of Loneliness:

In a different realm, photographer Elsa Bleda captures the essence of a neon-lit Johannesburg at night. Her electric photos reveal a city that comes alive after dark, bathed in vibrant colors and haunting solitude. Bleda believes that being alone is not the same as being lonely. For her, loneliness is necessary to clear the mind and find inspiration. This perspective challenges the notion that solitude equates to sadness, emphasizing the importance of embracing quiet moments for personal growth and creative exploration.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Prioritize impact measurement: Make impact measurement an integral part of your organization's decision-making process. By understanding the effectiveness of your tools and their impact on different user segments, you can drive improvements and maximize your civic tech initiatives.
  • 2. Continuously engage with users: Implement interactive features like pop-ups to gather valuable feedback from users. Regularly assess user satisfaction and goal achievement to identify areas for improvement and enhance the overall user experience.
  • 3. Embrace solitude as a catalyst for growth: Like Elsa Bleda, recognize the value of being alone and embrace the solitude it brings. Use this time to reflect, clear your mind, and gain inspiration. Loneliness can be a powerful tool for personal and creative development.


Measuring the impact of civic tech tools is vital for driving improvements, making informed decisions, and enhancing communication with partners. OpenUp's approach to impact measurement provides valuable insights into user groups, engagement levels, and tool effectiveness. Incorporating these insights allows organizations to refine their tools and tailor them to specific user segments, maximizing their overall impact. Additionally, Elsa Bleda's perspective on loneliness challenges the negative connotations associated with solitude, emphasizing its potential as a catalyst for personal and creative growth. By embracing solitude and implementing impactful measurement strategies, we can pave the way for a brighter and more connected future.

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