The Power of Creativity and Nostalgia in Shaping the Future

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Jun 20, 2024

3 min read


The Power of Creativity and Nostalgia in Shaping the Future

In today's rapidly changing world, it is important for communities and local governments to reimagine their roles and find innovative ways to shape the future. This was a key topic of discussion at the LGNZ conference, where speakers highlighted the power of creativity and nostalgia in driving change.

Caren Rangi, Chair of the Arts Council of New Zealand Toi Aotearoa, emphasized the importance of arts, culture, and creativity in shaping a new future. She spoke about the regenerative role that arts and culture played in rebuilding Ōtautahi after the city was struck by earthquakes. Rangi reminded the audience that creativity should be at the heart of any conversation about the future. Without it, we are missing out on opportunities to truly transform our communities.

The conference also touched upon the rising trend of Y2K nostalgia among Generation Z. This nostalgia has led to a renewed interest in technology from that era, including compact point-and-shoot digital cameras. Gen Z-ers are digging through their parents' junk drawers and shopping secondhand to find these cameras, which have become popular at parties and social events.

But why are digital cameras from the early 2000s suddenly appealing to Gen Z-ers? According to Brielle Saggese, a lifestyle strategist at WGSN Insight, it's because these cameras offer a sense of authenticity that is lacking in today's digital world. Photos taken with digital cameras have a layer of personality that most iPhone content doesn't possess. They evoke specific memories and emotions, making them more special and meaningful.

The common thread between these two seemingly unrelated topics is the power of nostalgia. Both Caren Rangi and Gen Z-ers are drawn to elements from the past that have the potential to shape the future. Rangi believes that by harnessing the regenerative role of arts and culture, communities can rebuild and thrive. Similarly, Gen Z-ers are using the authenticity and personality of digital cameras to create content that stands out from the crowd.

So, what can we learn from these discussions and how can we apply them to our own lives and communities? Here are three actionable pieces of advice:

  • 1. Embrace creativity: Whether you're a local government leader or an individual looking to make a difference, incorporate creativity into your approach. Think outside the box, explore new ideas, and consider the role that arts, culture, and creativity can play in shaping a better future.
  • 2. Build deeper relationships: Take the time to listen to your communities and build strong relationships with them. Focus on genuine connections rather than simply going through the motions. By investing deeply in relationships, local governments can ensure that their work reflects the needs and values of the communities they serve.
  • 3. Embrace nostalgia in a meaningful way: Nostalgia can be a powerful tool for driving change and creating meaningful experiences. Whether it's through the use of vintage technology or by tapping into cultural references from the past, find ways to incorporate nostalgia into your work or personal life in a way that adds value and authenticity.

In conclusion, the LGNZ conference highlighted the power of creativity and nostalgia in shaping the future. By embracing these elements, communities and individuals can reimagine their roles and create meaningful change. So, let's embrace our creativity, build deeper relationships, and tap into the power of nostalgia to shape a better future for all.

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