The Power of Creativity and Community in Shaping the Future of Local Government

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Aug 22, 2023

3 min read


The Power of Creativity and Community in Shaping the Future of Local Government

At the recent LGNZ conference, a panel discussion on reimagining local government shed light on the transformative potential of creativity and community collaboration. Led by Deputy Mayor Rohan O'Neill-Stevens, the panel consisted of esteemed individuals such as Caren Rangi, Chair of the Arts Council of New Zealand Toi Aotearoa, Tara Moala, Helmut Modlik, and Mayor Bernie Wanden.

Caren Rangi emphasized the crucial role that arts, culture, and creativity play in shaping a new future for communities. She highlighted the regenerative power of arts and culture in rebuilding Ōtautahi after the devastating earthquakes. Rangi pointed out the success of the Dance-O-Mat, a community initiative that emerged from the aftermath of the earthquakes and has since become a beloved amenity. She expressed the need for similar initiatives in other regions, like Hawkes Bay, to foster community bonding and resilience.

The discussion touched upon the tension between universalism and supercharging localism in local government. Rangi challenged the audience of local government leaders to consider the extent to which they were willing to share leadership and cultivate a culture of partnership. She emphasized the importance of trust among leaders and the need for visible collaboration for the benefit of communities. Rangi called for a brave leadership space that embraces shared leadership with hapu, iwi, and the wider community. Such a space would provide opportunities for young leaders to thrive and foster a safe environment for inclusive decision-making.

Another vital point raised during the panel was the significance of listening to communities and harnessing their knowledge for collective progress. Rangi highlighted the need for deeper relationships between local government and the communities they serve. She questioned the amount of time spent on bureaucratic processes versus investing in meaningful connections with communities to ensure that local government work truly reflects Te Tiriti and community needs.

The panel discussion at the LGNZ conference echoes the growing recognition of the power of creativity and community collaboration in shaping the future of local government. By incorporating arts, culture, and creativity into decision-making processes, local governments can tap into the collective wisdom and aspirations of their communities.

In light of these insights, here are three actionable pieces of advice for local government leaders:

  • 1. Embrace creativity and culture: Incorporate arts, culture, and creativity into local government initiatives to foster community bonding, resilience, and regeneration. Support and invest in community-driven projects that celebrate local talent and heritage.
  • 2. Foster partnerships and shared leadership: Build trust and cultivate a culture of partnership among local government leaders, hapu, iwi, and communities. Create spaces where diverse voices can be heard and work collaboratively towards shared goals.
  • 3. Prioritize community relationships: Allocate time and resources to develop deeper relationships with communities. Listen to their needs, aspirations, and knowledge, and ensure that local government decisions and actions reflect the values and interests of the community.

In conclusion, the LGNZ conference highlighted the immense potential of creativity and community collaboration in reshaping the future of local government. By prioritizing arts, culture, and community relationships, local government leaders can create inclusive and resilient communities that thrive on the collective wisdom and aspirations of their people.

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