The Power of Meditation and the Role of Creativity in Shaping Communities

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Aug 14, 2023

3 min read


The Power of Meditation and the Role of Creativity in Shaping Communities


In a world where stress and unhappiness seem to be prevalent, individuals are constantly seeking ways to improve their well-being and find happiness. Two seemingly unrelated events shed light on the power of meditation and the role of creativity in shaping communities. Mingyur Rinpoche, a meditation master, shares his personal experience of how meditation can transform the brain and alleviate unhappiness. On the other hand, Caren Rangi, Chair of the Arts Council of New Zealand Toi Aotearoa, emphasizes the regenerative role of arts and culture in rebuilding communities after a crisis. Both discussions highlight the importance of finding inner peace and fostering creativity to create a better future.

The Power of Meditation:

Mingyur Rinpoche's journey with meditation began at a young age when he experienced panic attacks. Through intensive meditation, he was able to overcome these challenges. Rinpoche believes that meditation has the power to change the brain by altering the "neuronal gossip," which refers to the communication between brain cells that keeps us stuck in negative behaviors. By diligently practicing meditation, individuals can break free from these patterns and find happiness. Rinpoche recommends practicing shorter periods of meditation more frequently to avoid boredom or aversion. This advice highlights the notion that less is more when it comes to meditation.

The Role of Creativity in Community Building:

Caren Rangi, during a panel discussion on reimagining local government, emphasizes the importance of creativity in shaping a new future. She believes that creativity should be at the heart of any conversation about the future. Rangi draws inspiration from the regenerative role that arts and culture played in rebuilding Ōtautahi after the city was struck by earthquakes. She mentions the Dance-O-Mat, a beloved amenity that emerged from the earthquakes and has brought communities together through dance. Rangi suggests that other communities, like Hawkes Bay, could benefit from similar creative initiatives.

Rangi challenges local government leaders to share leadership and work towards a culture of partnership. She asks if they trust each other and encourages them to create a leadership space that allows for shared leadership with hapu, iwi, and communities. She emphasizes the importance of listening to communities and harnessing their knowledge for the collective good. Rangi believes that deeper relationships and a focus on Te Tiriti can help local government truly serve their communities.

Connecting the Dots:

While meditation and creativity may seem like distinct concepts, they share a common goal: to improve well-being and create a better future. Meditation allows individuals to find inner peace and break free from negative behaviors, while creativity helps rebuild communities and foster a sense of togetherness. By incorporating both practices, individuals and communities can experience holistic growth and development.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Incorporate meditation into your daily routine: Start by practicing shorter periods of meditation more frequently. This consistency will help you develop a habit and experience the transformative effects of meditation on your brain and overall well-being.
  • 2. Embrace creativity in community building: Whether you are a local government leader or a community member, prioritize creativity in shaping the future. Explore ways to involve arts, culture, and creative initiatives to foster togetherness and resilience.
  • 3. Foster partnerships and shared leadership: Trust and collaboration are essential for creating positive change. Work towards instilling a culture of partnership, where different stakeholders, including hapu, iwi, and communities, are given space for shared leadership. Emphasize the importance of listening and building deeper relationships to truly serve the collective good.


The power of meditation and the role of creativity in shaping communities are two powerful forces that can lead to personal and collective transformation. Mingyur Rinpoche's experience highlights the ability of meditation to change the brain and alleviate unhappiness. Caren Rangi's insights emphasize the regenerative role of arts and culture in rebuilding communities. By incorporating meditation and creativity into our lives and communities, we can create a future filled with well-being, resilience, and togetherness.

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