How To Get More Suggested Views On YouTube | Summary and Q&A

September 25, 2019
Nick Nimmin
YouTube video player
How To Get More Suggested Views On YouTube


Learn how to connect your videos with other channels on YouTube to increase suggested traffic and grow your channel.

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Key Insights

  • 🥺 Adding links to related channels in your video description can lead to increased engagement and traffic from viewers interested in those channels.
  • 🎮 Optimizing playlists and promoting them on your channel page, in-screens, cards, and descriptions can help you associate your videos with other channels and topics.
  • 😵 Collaborating with other YouTubers who serve a similar audience can result in cross-promotion and the expansion of both channels' viewership.
  • 🥺 The Community feed and YouTube stories offer additional opportunities to share and mention other channels, leading to more associations and potential growth.
  • 🫵 It's crucial to understand the alignment between your channel and the channels you want to associate with to ensure that their content appeals to your viewers.
  • 🤱 Creating associations requires consistent effort and promotion, be it through descriptions, playlists, collaborations, or sharing content in the Community feed and stories.
  • 🥺 Associated channels have the potential to recommend your content to their viewers, leading to increased exposure and audience growth.


  • I'm gonna tell you how to get your videos associated with other videos on YouTube so that you can start getting some suggested traffic from some other channels like yours, and we're starting right now. (base thumping music) What is going on? My name is Nick, welcome to another video. If this is your first time here and you want to learn how to gr... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How can I associate my videos with other channels on YouTube?

One way is to include links to related channels in your video description, giving viewers a reason to visit those channels. Additionally, you can create playlists that feature videos from the channels you want to connect with.

Q: Are in-screens and cards useful for associating my videos with other channels?

Yes, you can use in-screens and cards to recommend other channels to your viewers. By prompting them to click on these elements, you can increase the chances of creating associations between your content and other channels.

Q: How can collaborations help build associations with other channels?

Collaborating with other YouTubers allows you to cross-promote each other's content, exposing your channels to each other's audiences. This can lead to increased viewership and the potential for YouTube to suggest your channel to their viewers.

Q: Can I use the Community feed and YouTube stories to associate my videos with other channels?

Yes, you can share content from other channels in your Community feed, thereby directing some of your viewers to those channels. Additionally, mentioning other channels in your YouTube stories can create further connections and associations.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • To associate your videos with other channels, start by adding links to related channels in your video description.

  • Create playlists that include videos from channels you want to associate with and optimize the playlist title and description.

  • Use collaboration, pinned comments, community feed, and YouTube stories to further connect with other creators.

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