How Often Should You Upload YouTube Videos | Summary and Q&A

May 26, 2018
Nick Nimmin
YouTube video player
How Often Should You Upload YouTube Videos


Consider your ability to retain viewers and generate clicks before deciding how often to upload to YouTube.

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Key Insights

  • 🫵 Retaining viewers and generating clicks are crucial before considering how often to upload on YouTube.
  • 😥 Quality is paramount, so studying audience retention reports and making improvements based on drop-off points is important for successful uploads.
  • 🍧 Having clear goals for your channel and understanding the time commitment required will help you determine the optimal upload frequency.


  • I'm gonna tell you how often you should upload to YouTube and I'm gonna tell you when or what time you should upload to YouTube and we're starting right now. (hip hop music) What is going on? My name is Nick. Welcome to another video. If this is your first time here and you want to learn how to grow your channel, make videos and all types of othe... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How important is audience retention in determining how often to upload to YouTube?

Audience retention is crucial because if you cannot keep viewers engaged, uploading frequently will not make a difference. Use YouTube Analytics to study your audience retention reports and identify patterns to improve the quality of your videos.

Q: Why is generating clicks from thumbnails and titles important in determining how often to upload?

If viewers are not clicking on your thumbnails and titles, YouTube will demote your videos as they are not engaging enough for the viewers. Learning how to generate clicks is essential for YouTube to promote your content.

Q: How does your goals for your channel impact how often you should upload?

If your goal is to create videos as a hobby and you are not concerned about rapid growth and income, uploading once or twice a week may be sufficient. However, if you are serious about YouTube and want to grow your channel and potentially generate income, upload as frequently as possible.

Q: How can you determine the best time to upload videos on YouTube?

Use the Realtime reports in YouTube Analytics to analyze the highs and lows of viewership over a week or two. Upload your content right before the viewership ramps up to ride the wave of viewers.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Before uploading frequently, ensure that you can keep viewers engaged by studying audience retention reports and identifying patterns of drop-off points.

  • Similarly, generate clicks from viewers through compelling thumbnails and titles to increase the likelihood of promotion on the YouTube platform.

  • Decide how frequently to upload based on your goals for your channel and the amount of time you can allocate to creating content.

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