How To Grow YOUR YouTube Channel NOW And Into The Future | Summary and Q&A

December 2, 2020
Nick Nimmin
YouTube video player
How To Grow YOUR YouTube Channel NOW And Into The Future


Learn how to grow your YouTube channel by focusing on programming strategy, video styles, and content that resonates with your audience.

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Key Insights

  • 🤩 Programming strategy, including format, style, and topics, is key to growing a YouTube channel.
  • 🎮 Explainer videos tend to outperform other styles, indicating that they are a preferred choice for audiences.
  • 🎮 Tools like Tubebuddy's Click Magnet and YouTube Studio's traffic sources and recommended videos provide valuable insights for choosing video topics.
  • 🫵 Creating content that resonates with the largest segment of your audience increases the chances of gaining more views and expanding your audience.
  • 💁 Variety is important to keep your audience engaged, but maintaining a consistent format, style, personality, and topics is crucial for building a dependable channel.
  • 👀 Understanding YouTube's algorithm and how it analyzes watch histories can help you optimize your videos for growth.


  • If you really wanna grow your YouTube channel in the next 365 days, make sure you watch this entire video, because it's gonna tell you some very clear information about exactly what it is that you need to do. And we're starting right now with my friend, Matt, from Little Monster Media Company, Matt, take it away. - Thanks, Nick. When we think abo... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How important is programming strategy for growing a YouTube channel?

Programming strategy is crucial for growth because it helps you choose the right format, style, and topics that resonate with your audience, leading to more views and engagement.

Q: How can I determine which video styles perform the best for my channel?

Look at the average performance of your videos across different styles and formats. Little Monster Media Company found that their explainer videos outperformed other styles, indicating that it is a preferred style for their audience.

Q: What tools can I use to make intelligent decisions on video topics?

Tubebuddy's Click Magnet tool can provide insights into which videos drive the most viewership. Analyzing YouTube search traffic and finding inspiration from other videos your audience is watching are also helpful in choosing video topics.

Q: Why is it important to create content that resonates with the largest segment of your audience?

By creating content that the majority of your audience is interested in, you increase the chances of getting more initial views and exposure. YouTube's algorithm analyzes watch histories to find similar viewers and expand your audience.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The first step in growing a YouTube channel is to have a clear programming strategy, including choosing a format and style that resonates with your audience.

  • Narrow down your video formats and focus on the style of video that performs the best. Little Monster Media Company found that explainer videos outperform other styles.

  • Make intelligent decisions on what video topics to create, using tools like Tubebuddy's Click Magnet, YouTube search traffic analysis, and insights on what your audience is watching.

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