YouTube Thumbnail Tutorial Photoshop | Summary and Q&A

December 4, 2014
Nick Nimmin
YouTube video player
YouTube Thumbnail Tutorial Photoshop


Learn how to create attention-grabbing thumbnails for YouTube videos that will help increase views and engagement.

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Key Insights

  • 🫵 Custom thumbnails are a powerful tool for increasing views and engagement on YouTube.
  • 🫵 Large and easily readable text is crucial for grabbing viewers' attention.
  • 👋 The graphic should look good in both small and large sizes to ensure visibility.
  • 👯 Colors can make the thumbnail more appealing and draw people's attention.
  • 🖼️ Adding branding elements or your picture can help create a recognizable and unique thumbnail.
  • 🎮 Custom thumbnails can be changed anytime, even for existing videos, through YouTube's video manager.
  • ⌛ Using a template for thumbnail creation can save time and maintain consistency.


In this video I'm gonna show you how to make attention-grabbing thumbnail so more people will click on your videos... and we're starting right now I was just helping a friend of mine polish up his youtube channel and one the first things I noticed was that he wasn't using YouTubes custom thumbnail feature. And as you might have noticed even YouTube... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why is using custom thumbnails important for YouTube videos?

Custom thumbnails are important because they help attract more attention to your videos, increasing the likelihood of people clicking on them and watching.

Q: What should be the main focus when creating a thumbnail?

The main focus should be on making the text big and easy to read, using fonts that are clear and avoiding small or hard-to-read fonts.

Q: How can adding color to a thumbnail help attract more viewers?

Using color in a thumbnail can make it more visually appealing and eye-catching, drawing people's attention and making them more likely to click on it.

Q: Can I add branding elements or my picture to a thumbnail?

Yes, adding branding elements or your picture can help make your videos easily identifiable and stand out from others, which may result in more views and engagement.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • YouTube's custom thumbnail feature is an effective way to get people to look at your videos.

  • Use big, easily readable text and make sure the graphic looks good in both small and large sizes.

  • Incorporate colors to make your thumbnail more visually appealing and consider adding branding elements or your picture.

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