How To Make Cool DIY YouTube Backdrop | Summary and Q&A

February 22, 2019
Nick Nimmin
YouTube video player
How To Make Cool DIY YouTube Backdrop


Learn how to transform a bland background into a visually appealing scene for YouTube videos using simple and affordable materials and lighting techniques.

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Key Insights

  • 🎑 Transforming a plain background into an interesting scene can significantly enhance the visual appeal of YouTube videos.
  • 🙂 By using affordable materials like plastic panels and repurposing lights, it is possible to create a compelling background without breaking the bank.
  • 🪜 Experimenting with lighting techniques, such as adjusting color temperature and adding additional lights, can add depth and atmosphere to the background.
  • 👀 The ability to easily remove and replace the background is important, especially for those who are renting or want the flexibility to change the look in the future.


  • I'm gonna show you how to make an awesome looking background, so you can liven up what's going on behind you in your YouTube videos and we're starting right now. Okay, so over here, I've got this area looking pretty cool with the lights and how I've got everything set up over on this side, so I've got two sets, I can use that one or I can use tha... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What materials are needed to create an interesting video background?

To create an interesting background, you will need plastic panels, lights (such as aperture lights), and optional colored lights. These materials can be easily obtained from a local store or repurposed from existing lights.

Q: How can lighting be used to enhance the background?

Lighting plays a crucial role in creating an appealing background. By strategically placing lights at different angles and adjusting their color temperature, you can brighten up dark areas, add moodiness, and create visual interest in the background.

Q: How can additional lights and colors be incorporated into the background?

In addition to the main lights, you can add lights behind the sofa and incorporate colored lights to add depth and create a more dynamic background. These additional lights can be adjusted to personal preferences and can be easily changed in the future to freshen up the look.

Q: How much does it cost to set up this background?

The cost of setting up this background is approximately $100 for the plastic panels and an additional $20 for fill areas. The lights used in the video are repurposed from existing lighting equipment, but investment in specialized lights like aperture lights or hue lights can range from $30 to $500.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The content provides a step-by-step guide on creating a visually appealing background for YouTube videos.

  • The process involves using plastic panels to add texture to the wall, experimenting with lighting to create a moody atmosphere, and adding additional lights and colors for a more interesting look.

  • The cost of setting up this background is relatively low and can be adjusted based on personal preferences and budget.

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