How to Grow Your YouTube Channel - Best Tips | Summary and Q&A

April 23, 2018
Nick Nimmin
YouTube video player
How to Grow Your YouTube Channel - Best Tips


Learn about audience retention, utilize the platform's features, optimize for search, create compelling thumbnails, and improve production quality to grow your YouTube channel.

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Key Insights

  • ⌚ Audience retention is vital for YouTube success, as higher watch time leads to increased engagement and channel growth.
  • ⌚ Utilize playlists, verbal references, and links to create a watch time trap that keeps viewers watching more of your content.
  • 🚥 Ranking videos in search taps into additional traffic sources, complementing traffic from suggested and browse features.
  • 😉 Compelling thumbnails are crucial for winning clicks and attracting viewers to your videos.
  • 🫵 Production quality, including lighting, audio, and framing, is expected by viewers and contributes to a positive viewer experience.
  • 🎮 Learning about SEO on YouTube and using tools like TubeBuddy can help improve video rankings and discoverability.
  • 💗 Encourage viewers to engage with your content through comments, likes, subscriptions, and sharing, which helps grow your channel.


  • If you really want to grow a YouTube channel, I'm gonna tell you five critical things that you need to keep in mind. We're starting right now. (hip-hip music) What is going on? My name is Nick. Welcome to another video. If this is your first time here and you want to learn how to grow your channel, make videos, and all types of other YouTube rela... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why is audience retention important for growing a YouTube channel?

Audience retention is crucial because it determines how long viewers watch your videos. Higher retention leads to better video performance and increases the likelihood of viewers subscribing and engaging with your content.

Q: How can I utilize playlists and references to improve engagement and channel growth?

By creating playlists, using verbal references, and having links in your descriptions, you provide viewers with more opportunities to watch and consume your content. This increases engagement, subscriptions, and the chances of viewers watching more of your videos.

Q: Why is ranking videos in search important for channel growth?

Search is a major traffic source on YouTube, and ranking your videos in search brings in additional viewers who are searching for specific topics. It amplifies your traffic, helps grow your channel, and complements the traffic from suggested and browse features.

Q: Why are thumbnails essential for attracting viewers?

Thumbnails serve as the first impression of your video and play a crucial role in attracting viewers. Compelling thumbnails that accurately represent your content and elicit curiosity increase the likelihood of viewers clicking on your videos.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Familiarize yourself with audience retention reports to improve watch time, which leads to higher engagement and channel growth.

  • Take advantage of the platform's options, such as playlists, references to other videos, and series playlists, to create a watch time trap that keeps viewers engaged and watching more of your content.

  • Learn how to rank your videos in search to tap into additional traffic sources, including suggested features and browse features.

  • Create visually appealing and click-worthy thumbnails to attract viewers and increase clicks on your videos.

  • Focus on improving production quality, including lighting, audio, and framing, to meet viewer expectations and stand out in the competitive YouTube landscape.

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