Happiness is a cookie that your brain bakes for itself (Joscha Bach) | AI Podcast Clips | Summary and Q&A

June 14, 2020
Lex Fridman
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Happiness is a cookie that your brain bakes for itself (Joscha Bach) | AI Podcast Clips


The conversation explores the role of suffering, happiness, and the meaning of life, while also delving into the complex nature of cells and their connection to intelligence and the purpose of life.

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Key Insights

  • 🍪 Suffering is often the result of caring about things that cannot be changed, but changing one's focus to what can be changed can lead to a reduction in suffering and an increase in happiness.
  • 🧠 Happiness is a subjective experience that is created by our appraisal of the environment, rather than being solely determined by external factors.
  • 🌱 The cell is a self-organizing principle that allows for evolution and the production of complexity, which in turn enables the harvesting of negentropy gradients. Life and intelligence are strongly interconnected.
  • 🏗️ The purpose of intelligence is to control and navigate the conditions of complexity, shifting the boundary between ordered systems and chaos. This pursuit of complexity and control is the essence of life.
  • 🌍 Building and maintaining a sustainable civilization is a meaningful endeavor for many individuals, representing a way to create a lasting impact and engage with the principles of life.
  • 👤 The idea of a creator God or a first mover is based on misunderstandings and mistranslations, and should not be equated with the essence of meaning or the purpose of life.
  • ⛈️ It is possible to imagine the emergence of intelligence on other planets, such as gas giants, through self-organizing storm systems and complex feedback loops.
  • 🌌 The concept of God, when stripped of mythology, can be understood as the ideal of civilization, an aspiration to interact with others based on what is considered ethically right rather than personal incentives.


so do you think suffering is fundamental to happiness along these lines suffering is the result of caring about things that you cannot change and if you are able to change what you care about to those things that you can change you will not suffer well then would you then be able to experience happiness yes but happiness itself is not important hap... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Is suffering necessary for happiness?

Suffering can sometimes act as a catalyst for personal growth, pushing individuals to change their perspectives and priorities. However, it is not a requirement for happiness. By shifting our focus to things we can change and finding joy in those aspects, suffering can diminish, and happiness can arise.

Q: How do cells contribute to the purpose of life?

Cells, as self-organizing entities, play a crucial role in the production of complexity and the harvesting of negentropy gradients. Their ability to cooperate and evolve allows for the emergence of intelligence. In essence, cells are the building blocks that facilitate life's purpose of producing and maintaining complexity.

Q: Can cells be considered von Neumann probes?

While cells share some similarities with von Neumann probes, they are not conscious agents intentionally designed for interstellar intelligence. However, the concept suggests that infecting other planets with cells may lead to the emergence of intelligent information processing principles, akin to how life developed on Earth.

Q: What is the relationship between God and the meaning of life?

The conversation challenges traditional religious notions of a creator God, suggesting that God is, in fact, the collective civilization in which individuals are a part. The idea is to approximate the ideal of a higher being through interactions with others based on what is perceived as right, rather than personal incentives.


In this video, the speaker discusses various topics including the relationship between suffering and happiness, the concept of a self-organizing cell as a building block of life, the purpose of life in producing complexity, the role of intelligence in controlling complexity, the meaning of life as a projection of the mind, the possibility of a gas giant becoming intelligent, the idea of God as a large system that allows randomness, and the interpretation of God in the context of creation and meaning.

Questions & Answers

Q: Do you think suffering is fundamental to happiness?

The speaker explains that suffering can result from caring about things that cannot be changed. However, if one changes what they care about to things that can be changed, they may experience happiness. The speaker emphasizes that happiness itself is not important but rather a subjective experience. Happiness, according to the speaker, is like a cookie that the brain bakes for itself. It is not dependent on external factors but rather one's appraisal of the environment.

Q: How is the concept of a self-organizing cell related to life?

The speaker describes a cell as a self-organizing entity that can participate in evolution. A cell is a molecular machine and a replicator, extracting energy from its environment. It is a Turing machine, capable of computation. The speaker suggests that the cell is a fundamental unit of life, and without its presence, decay cannot be considered life. The speaker further explains that life's purpose is to face emergent complexity through cells, allowing the harvesting of negentropy gradients.

Q: Can a gas giant become intelligent?

The speaker presents a hypothetical scenario where vortices, storm systems on a gas giant, could spontaneously emerge and form self-stabilizing patterns through electromagnetic fields. Over time, these patterns could develop into a complex and intelligent system. The speaker speculates that such an intelligent gas giant might create cells and send them out into the universe, eventually infecting other planets. While the speaker acknowledges this scenario as unlikely, it aligns with the idea that abiogenesis (the spontaneous formation of life) may require numerous cosmic occurrences.

Q: What is the meaning of life?

The speaker argues that meaning is subjective and exists only if the mind projects it. While the speaker personally finds building and maintaining a sustainable civilization meaningful, he emphasizes that meaning is not inherent to existence but rather a construct of the human mind. The speaker suggests that the search for meaning may arise from the way human minds have evolved to make sense of the world.

Q: Do you believe in a God?

The speaker challenges the conventional understanding of a God as a supernatural being involved in creation. He proposes that the idea of God as a creator is a misinterpretation and suggests that interpretations like Genesis represent the childhood memories of a god or the cognitive development of a mind. The speaker argues against equating a creator God with meaning in life, highlighting that a computational principle or an automaton may explain the existence of change and information.


In this thought-provoking conversation, the speaker delves into various philosophical and scientific concepts, challenging conventional beliefs and interpretations. They explore the relationship between suffering and happiness, the nature of life as a self-organizing cell, the purpose of complexity and intelligence, the subjective nature of meaning, and alternative interpretations of a God figure. The discussion encourages viewers to reflect on their perspectives and consider the transformative power of subjective experiences and consciousness in understanding the world around them.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Suffering is a result of caring about things we cannot change, but changing what we care about can lead to happiness.

  • Happiness is subjective and created by our own mental appraisals of the environment.

  • Cells play a vital role in the complexity and purpose of life, allowing for the harvest of negentropy gradients and the emergence of intelligence.

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