Programming Meme Review with George Hotz | Summary and Q&A

October 23, 2020
Lex Fridman
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Programming Meme Review with George Hotz


George Hotz does a review of programming memes and discusses topics related to programming, automation, Stack Overflow, and software development.

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Key Insights

  • 🔍 Programming memes tend to have too much text and not enough visual appeal.
  • 🤖 Automating tasks can sometimes take longer than doing them manually.
  • 💻 Programmers often trust their own knowledge and problem-solving skills more than doctors.
  • 🔧 Automation and testing are essential in programming to ensure functionality and avoid errors.
  • 📈 The number of likes and retweets can influence how people perceive the quality of a tweet.
  • 🎯 Stack Overflow can be challenging for asking questions and receiving helpful answers.
  • 👀 Hiding numbers and recommendations on social media platforms can provide a different and less biased user experience.
  • 🔀 Debugging and testing code often involve trial and error, with rerunning the code being a common approach.


this is a review of programming memes with george hotz quick mention of two sponsors four sigmatic the maker of delicious mushroom coffee and public goods my go-to online store for minimalist household products and basic healthy food please check out these sponsors in the description to get a discount and to support this channel and now on to the m... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does George Hotz evaluate potential candidates during the hiring process?

George Hotz evaluates potential candidates by assessing their intelligence and motivation, often through conversations and micro internships where candidates work on real projects in the codebase.

Q: Does George Hotz believe that machine learning approaches can improve programming environments and tools like IDEs?

George Hotz sees the potential for machine learning to enhance programming tools, such as code suggestion and bug checking features, similar to Google's auto-suggestion in Gmail.

Q: How does George Hotz address resource constraints, specifically CPU overheating issues?

George Hotz mentions that they are addressing CPU overheating in the comma 2 by lowering CPU frequencies, while ensuring that the code remains efficient enough to compensate for the decrease in frequency.

Q: Does George Hotz agree with the meme suggesting that if code doesn't work, changing nothing may be a solution?

George Hotz finds this meme amusing because he often experiences situations where running the code again gives the same outcome, even if it is not the desired result.

Q: What does George Hotz think about the limitations and potential of neural networks in achieving general intelligence?

George Hotz expresses optimism about the power of neural networks and believes that they have the potential to achieve surprising results, especially when combined with appropriate loss functions and explored further in reinforcement learning.

Q: How does George Hotz view Stack Overflow and the challenges of asking questions?

George Hotz finds Stack Overflow to be rough when asking questions, highlighting the importance of asking smart questions and understanding how to phrase them effectively to receive helpful answers.

Q: What are George Hotz's thoughts on the revenue model and user experience of news websites?

George Hotz criticizes the revenue model of news websites, stating that the interface, including multiple clicks, required login, and hidden subscription charges, needs improvement to make news more accessible and user-friendly.

Q: How does George Hotz handle the intrusive nature of pop-ups and auto-playing content?

George Hotz dislikes pop-ups and auto-playing content, particularly on news websites, and prefers access to APIs or a clean user interface without distracting elements like trending topics on Twitter.


In this video, George Hotz reviews programming memes from the programming subreddit. He rates each meme and provides his thoughts on various programming topics. He also discusses the challenges of asking questions on Stack Overflow, the value of testing in software development, the use of machine learning in improving IDEs, and the frustrations of online news websites and social media platforms.

Questions & Answers

Q: What rating does George give to the first meme he reviews?

George gives the first meme a rating of one out of ten because it contains too much text and plays on bad stereotypes.

Q: According to George, what can be learned from spending six hours failing to automate something?

George believes that spending time trying to automate a task can lead to a valuable learning experience, even if it takes longer than doing it manually. He mentions that this aligns with the spirit of programming where overcoming laziness often requires more effort than simply doing the task.

Q: What does George think about doctors who rely solely on their education rather than seeking information online?

George trusts programmers more than doctors when it comes to seeking information online. He believes that doctors often rely on their limited education, whereas programmers are more likely to conduct thorough research using multiple references.

Q: How does George handle questions on Stack Overflow?

George mentions that he avoids commenting on the internet altogether and does not ask questions on Stack Overflow. He also acknowledges that comments on the internet usually do not reflect his values.

Q: What approach does George use in assessing job candidates' motivation?

George explains that his company offers a micro-internship program where potential candidates are brought in for two days of paid work. This program allows George to assess candidates' motivation and passion based on their work ethic and level of interest in the company's codebase.

Q: What are the criteria George considers when hiring candidates?

George looks for candidates who not only possess intelligence but also demonstrate motivation and passion for the work. He emphasizes that having a conversation with candidates during the interview process is crucial in assessing these qualities.

Q: How does George respond to issues where his code doesn't work as expected?

George admits that he often resorts to running the code again when it fails to produce the desired outcome. Although he may not be satisfied with the result, he finds it surprising that sometimes the same approach ends up working.

Q: How does George feel about the capabilities of neural networks?

George is optimistic about the potential of neural networks and believes they have the ability to achieve surprising power. He mentions that although their limits are not fully understood, neural networks have shown impressive capabilities in various applications, particularly in reinforcement learning.

Q: What does George believe is the future of neural networks?

George believes that the exploration of different loss functions and the application of concepts like compression will unlock the true potential of neural networks. He anticipates ongoing research and experimentation to reveal how neural networks can improve further.

Q: How does George feel about the development of machine learning and AI in the future?

George expresses his excitement about the future development of machine learning and AI. He believes that there is still much to learn and discover in these fields, and he is particularly interested in the role neural networks will play in advancing technology.


George Hotz reviews programming memes and discusses various programming topics in this video. He rates the memes, shares his thoughts on asking questions on Stack Overflow, highlights the importance of testing in software development, talks about the potential of machine learning to enhance IDEs, and discusses frustrations with online news websites and social media platforms. Overall, George demonstrates his enthusiasm for the future of technology, especially in the field of neural networks and AI.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • George Hotz reviews and rates programming memes, discussing their humor and relevance.

  • He talks about the stereotypes and misconceptions surrounding programmers and doctors.

  • Hotz discusses the challenges of automation, the importance of testing, and the limitations of machine learning in programming.

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