Magnus Carlsen: Greatest Chess Player of All Time | Lex Fridman Podcast #315 | Summary and Q&A

August 27, 2022
Lex Fridman Podcast
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Magnus Carlsen: Greatest Chess Player of All Time | Lex Fridman Podcast #315


Magnus Carlsen discusses his views on chess, his favorite sport, and his thoughts on the World Chess Championship.

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Key Insights

  • Magnus Carlsen believes that Lionel Messi is the greatest football (soccer) player of all time due to his all-around game and his skills as a finisher.
  • Carlsen enjoys the beauty and creativity of football, valuing both individual skills and team success.
  • He believes that titles, such as the World Cup, can be overrated due to the small sample size and the influence of luck.
  • Carlsen also appreciates the importance of statistics in evaluating players, acknowledging Messi's status as the best finisher of all time.
  • He finds the debate between Jordan and LeBron James in basketball to be subjective, leaning towards the quantifiable aspects of the game.
  • Carlsen highlights the importance of evaluating positions and calculating short lines in chess, emphasizing his strengths in these areas.
  • He admits struggles with long calculations and solving exercises, but compensates with his ability to evaluate positions and calculate shorter lines accurately.
  • Carlsen believes that the World Chess Championship should have more games and a shorter time control to determine the best player more accurately. He suggests 14 games with a faster time control to reflect true chess skills.


the following is a conversation with magnus carlsen the number one ranked chess player in the world and widely considered to be one of if not the greatest chess player of all time the camera magnus died 20 minutes into the conversation most folks still just listen to the audio through a podcast player anyway but if you're watching this on youtube o... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What are Magnus Carlsen's thoughts on the World Chess Championship format?

Carlsen suggests that the format should include more games and shorter time controls to increase the chances of finding the best players and to emphasize pure chess.

Q: How does Magnus Carlsen feel about the pressure and anxiety during a chess game?

Carlsen mentions that he can get nervous before games, but once he starts playing, he focuses on the game and trusts his instincts and skills, which eliminates fear.

Q: Is there a psychological intimidation between Magnus Carlsen and his opponents in chess?

Carlsen believes that players would perform better if they played against an anonymous version of him, indicating that his reputation and success may create some level of psychological intimidation.


This conversation is with Magnus Carlsen, the number one ranked chess player in the world, and covers various topics such as his views on the greatest football (soccer) player of all time, his approach to chess, and his goals in his chess career. Magnus shares his perspective on the greatest football (soccer) player, discussing his preference for Messi over Maradona and the importance of the all-around game. He also talks about the beauty of the game and the debate between individual greatness and team success. Magnus then discusses the comparison between Michael Jordan and LeBron James in basketball, highlighting the statistical dominance of LeBron but also the debate between quantifiable and unquantifiable greatness. The conversation then focuses on Magnus' approach to chess, including his strengths in calculation and evaluation and his weaknesses in solving exercises. Magnus also talks about the visual component in his mind during a game and the importance of short line calculation. The conversation delves into the endgame and Magnus' legendary skills in that area, discussing the evaluation of positions and the technique to achieve victory. Magnus discusses his use of chess engines in preparation and the motivation to reach a rating of 2900 in FIDE Elo chess. The conversation concludes with Magnus' thoughts on different chess variations and the excitement of playing against strong opponents.

Questions & Answers

Q: Who does Magnus Carlsen think is the greatest football (soccer) player of all time?

Magnus believes Messi is the greatest football player for his all-around game.

Q: What does Magnus find beautiful about football (soccer)?

Magnus finds the play-making, creativity, and magic of football (soccer) beautiful, not just the finishing.

Q: How does Magnus evaluate greatness in football (soccer)?

Magnus values statistics, particularly Messi's record as the best finisher of all time. He also considers intangibles and the ability to rise under pressure.

Q: Who does Magnus prefer between Michael Jordan and LeBron James in basketball?

Magnus doesn't have a definitive preference and argues for both depending on his mood. He believes LeBron James will surpass Jordan statistically.

Q: Does Magnus lean towards quantifiable or unquantifiable greatness?

Magnus generally leans towards quantifiable greatness but acknowledges the importance of unquantifiable aspects as well.

Q: Why does Magnus think the World Cup in football (soccer) is overrated?

Magnus believes the World Cup is overrated due to its small sample size and the element of luck involved in winning titles.

Q: What are Magnus' strengths and weaknesses in chess?

Magnus excels in intuitive understanding, calculation of short lines, and evaluation of positions. He struggles with solving exercises and deep calculation.

Q: How does Magnus visually represent the chessboard in his mind?

Magnus visualizes the chessboard as two-dimensional, without many colors or specific details.

Q: How does Magnus store and retrieve information in his mind during a game?

Magnus stores away information and sometimes forgets it, leading to surprise when he plays moves he calculated but forgot. He focuses on one position at a time.

Q: What is Magnus' approach to the endgame in chess?

Magnus excels in evaluating positions and calculating short lines. He applies his strengths in the endgame, relying on intuition, evaluation, and technique to achieve victory.

Q: How does Magnus feel about losing in chess?

Magnus experiences fear of losing in high-stakes matches, such as the World Championship. He enjoys playing against strong opponents and finds motivation in the challenge.


Magnus Carlsen, the world's top-ranked chess player, shares his perspectives on sports, chess, and motivation. Magnus believes Messi is the greatest football player due to his all-around game, values the beauty and creativity in football (soccer), and appreciates both quantifiable and unquantifiable greatness. In chess, Magnus excels in intuitive understanding, short line calculation, evaluation, and endgame techniques. He finds motivation in high-stakes matches and enjoys playing against strong opponents. Magnus strives for a rating of 2900 in FIDE Elo chess, pushing himself to optimize his skills and performance.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Magnus Carlsen talks about his love for chess, his success in the World Chess Championship, and his motivation to continue playing at his best.

  • He discusses his views on football (soccer) and shares his opinion on who he believes is the greatest football player of all time.

  • Carlsen also talks about different variations of chess and suggests changes to the World Chess Championship format to make it more exciting and reflective of the best players.

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