Geometric Unity - A Theory of Everything (Eric Weinstein) | AI Podcast Clips | Summary and Q&A

April 15, 2020
Lex Fridman
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Geometric Unity - A Theory of Everything (Eric Weinstein) | AI Podcast Clips


Geometric Unity proposes a theory of everything by starting with a blank canvas and using mathematical tools to generate the fundamental building blocks of the universe.

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Key Insights

  • 🏛️ Geometric Unity proposes a theory of everything by starting with a blank canvas and using mathematical tools to generate the fundamental building blocks of the universe.
  • 🌍 The theory involves a 14-dimensional world that combines aspects of general relativity and the standard model of particle physics.
  • 😨 The lecturer faces challenges and fears in sharing his life's work outside of traditional academic norms and practices.


you recently published the video of a lecture he gave at Oxford presenting some aspects of a theory theory of everything called geometric unity so this was a work of 30 30 plus years this is his life's work let me ask her of the silly old question how do you feel as a human excited scared the experience of posting it you know it's funny one of the ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does the lecturer feel about sharing his life's work on Geometric Unity?

The lecturer feels a mix of excitement and anxiety, as going against academic norms can be seen as non-serious and may face criticism.

Q: What are the key components of Geometric Unity?

Geometric Unity involves a 14-dimensional world, combining aspects of general relativity and the standard model of particle physics, with spinners being the fundamental building blocks.

Q: Has the lecturer shared his theory with colleagues and friends before posting it?

No, the lecturer kept Geometric Unity a closely guarded secret and only recently shared it publicly. He compares his experience to coming out of the closet, as many academics fear being ridiculed or disconnected from their work.

Q: What are the challenges in pursuing a theory of everything like Geometric Unity?

The lecturer believes that the academic system, with its selective pressures and rivalries, may hinder progress in reaching a final theory. He also mentions the importance of constructive criticism and the need for the physics community to acknowledge and learn from their failures.


This video is a lecture given by the speaker at Oxford University, where he presents aspects of his theory of everything called geometric unity. The theory has been the speaker's life's work, developed over 30 years. The speaker discusses the challenges of going against the traditional academic practices and the fear of being perceived as a non-serious person or having delusions. The video was published during the COVID-19 pandemic and the speaker believes that this is the right time to release his theory, as the world is going through a significant change.

Questions & Answers

Q: How does the speaker feel about posting the video of his lecture at Oxford?

The speaker highlights the fear that accompanies the decision to share his life's work. He explains that one of the great sins in academics is to be seen as a non-serious person and to deviate from the standard practices. He acknowledges the potential backlash from the academic community for going outside the traditional publishing and working within academic departments.

Q: Why did the speaker decide to release his theory now?

The speaker believes that the COVID-19 pandemic marks the end of a period of inaction, which he refers to as the "big nap." He also mentions that he attempted to present his theory seven years earlier at Oxford but it was deemed too early. Additionally, the internet and online platforms have provided him with an opportunity to share his theory and engage with a larger audience.

Q: Did the speaker face challenges and resistance while developing his theory within the academia?

Yes, the speaker faced challenges and resistance within the academia. He found that senior and respectable people in academia were "functionally insane" in their approach to math and physics. He saw the physics world as especially "crazy," while the math world was strict and dogmatic. He describes his attempts to discuss his ideas with colleagues, many of whom did not understand or were not interested.

Q: How did the speaker feel about keeping his theory a secret?

The speaker describes his theory as a closely guarded secret. He felt uncomfortable discussing it with almost anyone and compares his situation to being in a closet. He believes that many people are in "closets" in various aspects of their lives, unrelated to sexual orientation. Keeping his theory a secret was a lonely and strange experience for him.

Q: What made the speaker decide to pursue a theory of everything?

The speaker expresses his confusion about why theoretical physicists would not choose to pursue a theory of everything. He believes that understanding the fundamental nature of our existence is the most logical pursuit for someone in theoretical physics. He questions the difficulty and the low pay associated with the field if it is not driven by the desire to understand everything.

Q: Can the speaker explain the concept of geometric unity?

Geometric unity is the speaker's theory of everything, which aims to replace space-time with something closely related and yet distinct from it. The speaker discusses the idea of starting with a blank canvas, a "mathematical nothing," to develop a theory that describes the nature of our universe. He introduces the concept of a fourteen-dimensional world, consisting of four dimensions of space and time, along with additional dimensions of rulers and protractors.

Q: How did the speaker's colleagues and friends react to his theory?

The speaker reveals that he did not have many conversations with his friends and colleagues about his theory. Coming out with his theory was like revealing a closely guarded secret. He compares his situation to that of individuals in the LGBTQ+ community who come out. He did not feel comfortable talking to anyone about his theory, and it remained largely unknown to his friends and colleagues.

Q: What are the mathematical tools required to construct a consistent geometric theory?

The speaker explains that in his theory, a special kind of mathematical object called spinners plays a significant role. Spinners arise naturally when considering the space of rulers and protractors, which are used to measure length and angle in the theoretical framework. The idea is to replace the traditional references to rulers and protractors with spinners, which exist in a fourteen-dimensional world that includes the original four-dimensional space-time.

Q: Is it possible to make complex physics concepts accessible to a wider audience?

The speaker believes that it is possible to make complex physics concepts more accessible. He mentions using visualizations and simpler explanations of concepts like gauge theory to help people understand difficult ideas. He highlights the importance of breaking down complex concepts in a way that is relatable and understandable for non-experts.

Q: How does the speaker approach the challenge of explaining his theory to a general audience?

The speaker acknowledges the challenge of explaining his theory to a general audience who may not have a background in mathematics or physics. He seeks to find accessible ways to present the material, such as using visualizations and simpler explanations. He also emphasizes the importance of making connections to familiar concepts and everyday experiences to make the theory more relatable.

Q: What is the significance of spinners in the speaker's theory?

Spinners are a fundamental aspect of the speaker's theory. They arise naturally when considering the space of rulers and protractors, which are used to measure length and angle. In the speaker's theory, spinners play a central role in describing the properties of matter and particles. They appear unadorned in a higher-dimensional world and then emerge as familiar, adorned spinners in the four-dimensional world that we observe.


This video features a lecture on the speaker's theory of everything called geometric unity. The speaker struggled with the decision to go against traditional academic practices and release his theory. He believes that the COVID-19 pandemic marked a significant moment to share his life's work. The theory involves concepts such as a fourteen-dimensional world and the role of spinners. The speaker aims to make complex physics concepts accessible to a wider audience through visualizations and simpler explanations.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Geometric Unity is a theory of everything that has been the life's work of the lecturer for over 30 years.

  • The lecturer discusses the challenges and fears of sharing this theory outside of the traditional academic norms.

  • The theory involves a 14-dimensional world that combines aspects of general relativity and the standard model of particle physics.

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