Shreyanshi shah


"Define facts like what is the scope of the app, who would be the audience etc. If you are not certain of some facts, you’ll need to make a few assumptions on your own and make a solution accordingly."
Shreyanshi shah
Case Study: Design a mobile app that allows users to easily buy and sell used books.
"Break down the problem into parts (Define the different types of users, what actions can a user take and what this would result in)."
Shreyanshi shah
Case Study: Design a mobile app that allows users to easily buy and sell used books.
"Think of an end to end solution for different kinds of possible users for this app. Think about what elements you think should be there on any given app screen and what would be the user journey."
Shreyanshi shah
Case Study: Design a mobile app that allows users to easily buy and sell used books.
"Define User — Types of user, their actions and functionality."
Shreyanshi shah
Case Study: Design a mobile app that allows users to easily buy and sell used books.

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