"It is obvious that serving ads creates misaligned incentives for search engines."
Google Search Is Dying | DKB
"Sergey Brin and Lawrence Page (1998) “Currently, the predominant business model for commercial search engines is advertising. The goals of the advertising business model do not always correspond to providing quality search to users…we expect that advertising funded search engines will be inherently biased towards the advertisers and away from the needs of the consumers…Furthermore, advertising income often provides an incentive to provide poor quality search results.”"
Google Search Is Dying | DKB
"There are tons of people whose sole job is to game their way to the top of Google, so it shouldn’t be surprising when search results deteriorate in quality."
Google Search Is Dying | DKB
"Around 300BC, one of the most ambitious projects of all time was undertaken in the Greek-Egyptian city of Alexandria. The Ptolemies wanted to create the intellectual capital of the world, and so they established the famous Library of Alexandria. This was not the first library, but what made it interesting was their extremely ambitious goal. They wanted to collect all of human knowledge, and bring it all together in this one place."
To Organize The World's Information | DKB
"When information is organized, and accessible, people can “stand on the shoulders of giants” as Newton put it. We can read up on all the thinking and research that others have done in our field."
To Organize The World's Information | DKB
"the organization and accessibility of information enables innovation, new discoveries, curiosity, exploration, and much more."
To Organize The World's Information | DKB
"It turned out that using backlinks to determine the quality of a web page was a really good idea, and it led to high quality search results."
To Organize The World's Information | DKB
"Wouldn’t it be useful if you could be reading any one of these pieces of content, and know about the others?"
To Organize The World's Information | DKB
"Perhaps something like public roam graphs will be the solution to this, but there are infinite ways to approach it."
To Organize The World's Information | DKB
"Google doesn’t actually give us access to all the webpages in its database, it only gives us a tiny segment of it. And we don’t really control what’s in the tiny segment. It’s whatever google’s algorithm thinks we want."
To Organize The World's Information | DKB
"Knowledge is power, and organized information makes the attainment of knowledge far more efficient."
To Organize The World's Information | DKB

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