Ryan Caldbeck


"Ries advises entrepreneurs to use such a lean mentality to test their hypotheses"
Ryan Caldbeck
Why Startups Should Still Care About Things That Don't Scale
"There are two main reasons why startups (including us) do these things that are not sustainable in the long run."
Ryan Caldbeck
Why Startups Should Still Care About Things That Don't Scale
"Paul Graham of Y Combinator suggests startups do these activities that don’t scale to “delight”"
Ryan Caldbeck
Why Startups Should Still Care About Things That Don't Scale
"It’s actually one advantage of being a small company -- you can give customers more attention than most big companies can."
Ryan Caldbeck
Why Startups Should Still Care About Things That Don't Scale
"But startups need to invest in activities that don’t scale because they need to listen to their most important assets -- customers -- to win."
Ryan Caldbeck
Why Startups Should Still Care About Things That Don't Scale

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