Richard Belton


"I fell in love with Japanese culture very early in life after exposure to sushi, anime and electronics made in Japan."
Richard Belton
Shokunin Spirit
"Japan has what must be the most efficient and orderly airport I’ve ever passed through."
Richard Belton
Shokunin Spirit
"Japanese culture embodies what it means to take pride in every aspect of your work, no matter what job you perform."
Richard Belton
Shokunin Spirit
"The Japanese apprentice is taught that shokunin means not only having technical skills, but also implies an attitude and social consciousness."
Richard Belton
Shokunin Spirit
"The shokunin has a social obligation to work his/her best for the general welfare of the people. This obligation is both spiritual and material, in that no matter what it is, the shokunin’s responsibility is to fulfill the requirement.” — Tasio Odate"
Richard Belton
Shokunin Spirit

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