Janica Solis

Janica Solis

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"While a cohort-based course is a course where a group of people is learning a specific topic, together, led by an instructor."
Janica Solis
What is Cohort-based learning?
"""it's a collaborative learning style where a group of students progresses through an educational program collectively."""
Janica Solis
What is Cohort-based learning?
"You're learning like you're in school--with classmates, with a teacher. But this time, it's more interactive and collective. Teachers become facilitators. Classmates become communities. Theoretical learning becomes practical learning."
Janica Solis
What is Cohort-based learning?
"And what's the best about it? There are no grade cards! Instead, there are projects, workshops, presentations, which you can use as a portfolio afterward."
Janica Solis
What is Cohort-based learning?
"The cohort-based learning format is similar to the Education 3.0 formula."
Janica Solis
What is Cohort-based learning?
"Even though technology will play a vital role in education, it won't replace the real connections we'll be looking for with other humans."
Janica Solis
What is Cohort-based learning?

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