Nathan Barry


Nathan Barry
Good things come to those who write
"If I look back at all the good things that have happened in my career in the last 3 years, they all come from writing. One little habit of writing 1,000 words a day revolutionized my career."
Nathan Barry
Good things come to those who write
Nathan Barry
Good things come to those who write
"The reason is simple that writing is how you get attention. And in todays world attention is the most valuable resource."
Nathan Barry
Good things come to those who write
"Then when the writer uses a small portion of that attention to promote something else that will benefit the reader, hundreds or thousands of them buy it."
Nathan Barry
Good things come to those who write
Nathan Barry
Good things come to those who write
"They just realized they had valuable skills and started teaching them to anyone who wanted to listen."
Nathan Barry
Good things come to those who write
"When you start writing you don’t have to worry about crafting perfect prose. Instead you just need to focus on teaching useful skills."
Nathan Barry
Good things come to those who write
"Good things come to those who write."
Nathan Barry
Good things come to those who write

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