Eliot Van Buskirk


"Content curation is the natural evolution of our globally networked consciousness. This sounds like a bunch of hippie drivel, but we really are creating a global brain, of sorts, by encoding human knowledge and tracking human activity."
Eliot Van Buskirk
Curation: How the Global Brain Evolves
"Using the human nodes of this network to strengthen some of these connections while weakening others (by choosing either to pass along i.e., 'curate' information or not to pass it along) helps this global brain function better as a system, which in turn increases its power whenever any of us need to tap into it."
Eliot Van Buskirk
Curation: How the Global Brain Evolves
"As luck would have it, our cultural products themselves have been mirroring this technological evolution; movies are largely sequels or 'inspired by' previous works; music is increasingly reliant on sampling, DJing and repackaging styles of the past; and the DVR allows us to produce our own sequence of entertainment, rather than relying on network programmers, to name a few examples of this."
Eliot Van Buskirk
Curation: How the Global Brain Evolves
"When we curate, for whatever reason and in whatever form, we are enhancing a connection in the global neural network we are inadvertently creating."""
Eliot Van Buskirk
Curation: How the Global Brain Evolves
"Esquire, your quote is funny, and I'm generally a fan of your magazine -- especially ""What I've Learned,"" which curates (ugh, not that word again) advice from famous people, so that the rest of us might benefit from what they learned."
Eliot Van Buskirk
Curation: How the Global Brain Evolves
"However, the retweeting ""internet people"" being made fun of these days should be appreciated for what they're doing: making the global brain smarter."
Eliot Van Buskirk
Curation: How the Global Brain Evolves
"By deciding to share something or not, we're increasing human knowledge, not only about music, but about everything else, too. That's a hard thing to ridicule."
Eliot Van Buskirk
Curation: How the Global Brain Evolves

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