Cortex Futura


"The reason for this is what I call Highlight Dementia - the face you make when you go back through your highlights and you're like ""whaaa...why did I highlight this, this is useless?!""."
Cortex Futura
How to cure Highlight Dementia – Cortex Futura
"What I hear people often say is something like ""not sure why I highlighted this, it's not important""."
Cortex Futura
How to cure Highlight Dementia – Cortex Futura
"If you can't reconstruct the meaning of a highlight as time goes on, that's a) a shame and b) on you, and no-one else."
Cortex Futura
How to cure Highlight Dementia – Cortex Futura
"Now, why can't people reconstruct the meaning of a highlight? It happens because people don't have a reading strategy beyond ""I'm going to read this, now""."
Cortex Futura
How to cure Highlight Dementia – Cortex Futura
"To prevent Highlight Dementia, there's at least two things you want to pay attention to: whether you're doing Synchronous Reading or Asynchronous Reading and whether you're creating context around your highlights."
Cortex Futura
How to cure Highlight Dementia – Cortex Futura
"For every highlight that you make, try to also note down a couple of words on why you are highlighting the sentence."
Cortex Futura
How to cure Highlight Dementia – Cortex Futura
"If you're not sure what to write, think about these questions: - What else does this make you think of? - Is there anything that confuses you? - Is there someone you know who'd be interested in this?"
Cortex Futura
How to cure Highlight Dementia – Cortex Futura
"The important thing is that you do more than just ""mark up"" a text - you have to create context."
Cortex Futura
How to cure Highlight Dementia – Cortex Futura
"The first one is Synchronous Active Reading, where you have your index cards, notebook or Roam database open alongside the text and immediately write down the quotes and thoughts you have."
Cortex Futura
How to cure Highlight Dementia – Cortex Futura
"The opposite is Asynchronous Active Reading, where you only have your book/paper and a pen or highlighter. If you do Asynchronous Active Reading, you'll need to return later to copy over the notes you took in the margins and the parts you copied over to your final storage medium."
Cortex Futura
How to cure Highlight Dementia – Cortex Futura
"Asynchronous Active Reading is much more vulnerable to Highlight Dementia than Synchronous Active Reading"
Cortex Futura
How to cure Highlight Dementia – Cortex Futura
"when will I return to the book and my highlights and transfer them to a better storage medium? Do I need to set a reminder for myself to do this?"
Cortex Futura
How to cure Highlight Dementia – Cortex Futura
"Highlights are useless if they're not liberated from their original location and enriched with your own personal context."
Cortex Futura
How to cure Highlight Dementia – Cortex Futura
"When you are reading, read actively and create context around your highlights."
Cortex Futura
How to cure Highlight Dementia – Cortex Futura
"Then make sure you transfer your notes and highlights to your permanent note storage - either immediately if you're reading synchronously, or set a reminder for when you're going to do it when you're reading asynchronously."
Cortex Futura
How to cure Highlight Dementia – Cortex Futura

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Glasp is a social web highlighter that people can highlight and organize quotes and thoughts from the web, and access other like-minded people’s learning.