Sriram Krishnan

Sriram Krishnan


"No one said this would be easy. But if you can thread a needle here and make it work, there is real value."
Sriram Krishnan
Building something no one else can measure
"At scale, you often have to settle for things you can measure/optimize or monetize. You also have to settle for metric that optimize for the short term"
Sriram Krishnan
Building something no one else can measure
"These metrics never really capture the underlying human emotion or behavior they are trying to measure. To make things more interesting, they almost always create secondary behavior which makes the metric go up but in a way the system designers didn’t anticipate or want."
Sriram Krishnan
Building something no one else can measure
"Since it is near impossible to perfectly measure human behavior, most large teams/products pick a proxy metric to measure underlying behavior."
Sriram Krishnan
Building something no one else can measure
"If you can figure out this this blind spot , you can build something that captures a space that the existing incumbent can’t go after easily."
Sriram Krishnan
Building something no one else can measure
"Super clear on who you are. Why are you worth paying attention to? There are two approaches to this. You could either emonstrate credibility through your past institutions/roles."
Sriram Krishnan
How to write a cold email
"Short and grabs attention. Self-explanatory. Anything over a couple of paras and it gets sorted into the “later” bucket."
Sriram Krishnan
How to write a cold email
"Value prop for the receiver."
Sriram Krishnan
How to write a cold email
"My suggestion is to have have a specific ask which is low friction. Examples - “follow me on Twitter” - “here’s a live demo account you can click into to see what I’ve built” - “a PDF of screenshots”."
Sriram Krishnan
How to write a cold email
"The key is - it’s low work and can be done in seconds."
Sriram Krishnan
How to write a cold email

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