Carrie Melissa Jones


"“Even before you have a community, you need a brand. You can’t have a community unless you know what you’re building – both what it is and what it is not.”"
Carrie Melissa Jones
How the Yelp Elite Program Was Built
"3. How do you manage conflict?"
Carrie Melissa Jones
How the Yelp Elite Program Was Built
"“People join something because it speaks to them. They want to feel a part of something, to identify with others like them geographically or with similar interests, but they also want to feel special. If you create a great brand around those ideals, people will want to support it.”"
Carrie Melissa Jones
How the Yelp Elite Program Was Built
"1. What do you stand for?"
Carrie Melissa Jones
How the Yelp Elite Program Was Built
"2. What is your ecosystem about?"
Carrie Melissa Jones
How the Yelp Elite Program Was Built
"Community is not a tech idea; it’s a social idea"
Carrie Melissa Jones
How the Yelp Elite Program Was Built
"he started with much larger ideas around relationships, human psychology, and competitive analysis, and then he took that to the creative director on the team."
Carrie Melissa Jones
How the Yelp Elite Program Was Built
"“Our first ever Yelp Elite event came about as a result of my connections in New York City and San Francisco. I persuaded restaurants and bars to open up on an off night and let people in.”"
Carrie Melissa Jones
How the Yelp Elite Program Was Built
"At this stage, then, knowing your ideal user is vital to pushing the community forward. Yelp had a clear vision in mind of what their community leaders should look like."
Carrie Melissa Jones
How the Yelp Elite Program Was Built
"The Yelp Playbook for Launching in New Cities:"
Carrie Melissa Jones
How the Yelp Elite Program Was Built
"4. Throw an inaugural Elite event."
Carrie Melissa Jones
How the Yelp Elite Program Was Built
"The strongest and most enduring communities are always built on top of a strong foundation."
Carrie Melissa Jones
How the Yelp Elite Program Was Built

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