The Intersection of Stimming Behaviors and Neurodiverse Art

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Sep 25, 2023

3 min read


The Intersection of Stimming Behaviors and Neurodiverse Art

Stimming behaviors, characterized by repetitive body movements and noises, have long been associated with individuals who experience overwhelming emotions or seek comfort in unfamiliar situations. These behaviors can manifest in various ways, such as hand flapping, rocking back and forth, or making repetitive vocal sounds. While stimming has often been viewed as a symptom of certain conditions like autism, there is a growing movement to embrace and celebrate neurodiversity.

Neurodiversity is a term that challenges the stigmatization of individuals with conditions like autism by recognizing their unique qualities and contributions. It advocates for the acceptance of these differences as normal variations rather than pathologies. The art world, with its capacity for self-expression and exploration, is slowly catching on to the power of neurodiverse art.

The Turner Prize, one of the most prestigious awards in contemporary art, recently featured the work of neurodiverse artists. This inclusion marks a significant shift in the art world's perspective on disability and challenges the notion that artists with learning disabilities cannot be on par with their neurotypical peers. However, the road to recognition has not been easy, as many institutions have been resistant to embracing neurodiverse artists.

Project Art Works, an organization dedicated to promoting neurodiverse art, has faced numerous challenges in opening up cultural institutions to their unique methodology. The contemporary visual arts scene, often driven by theory, commerce, and ego, has been particularly conservative in accepting collaborative practices involving neurodiverse artists. The dismissive and patronizing coverage they have received further perpetuates the notion that their work is merely "charity" and not deserving of serious consideration.

One of the underlying issues lies in the deeply ingrained perception of the "artist with a capital A." Critics and traditionalists struggle to comprehend collaborative art practices, especially when it involves individuals with autism. This narrow mindset fails to acknowledge that autism does not preclude someone from being a talented and legitimate artist. Project Art Works firmly asserts that their work is not outsider art; it is simply art, deserving of the same respect and recognition as any other artistic expression.

While progress has been made in recognizing neurodiverse art, there is still much work to be done. Institutions need to shed their conservative attitudes and embrace the opportunities neurodiverse artists bring. Audiences have consistently responded positively to neurodiverse art, emphasizing the need for institutions to catch up and create inclusive spaces for all artists.

In conclusion, the intersection of stimming behaviors and neurodiverse art highlights the power of embracing neurodiversity and challenging traditional notions of artistry. To foster a more inclusive art world, here are three actionable pieces of advice:

  • 1. Educate and raise awareness: Institutions and audiences alike need to be educated about neurodiversity and the valuable contributions neurodiverse artists bring. By raising awareness, we can challenge stigmatizing attitudes and promote inclusivity.
  • 2. Collaborate and embrace diversity: Institutions should actively seek collaborations with neurodiverse artists and organizations like Project Art Works. By embracing diversity, institutions enrich their artistic offerings and create more dynamic and inclusive spaces.
  • 3. Challenge the "artist with a capital A" paradigm: Critics and traditionalists need to broaden their understanding of what constitutes art and recognize that talent knows no boundaries. By challenging the notion of the "real artist," we can create a more inclusive and diverse art world.

By incorporating these actionable steps, we can continue to break down barriers and create a thriving art world that celebrates the beauty of neurodiversity.

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