Unlocking the Potential of Neurogenesis: Exploring Strategies for Brain Growth

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Sep 29, 2023

3 min read


Unlocking the Potential of Neurogenesis: Exploring Strategies for Brain Growth


Neurogenesis, the birth of neurons from stem cells, occurs primarily before birth. However, two regions of the brain, namely the olfactory bulb and the hippocampus, still retain the ability to generate new neurons throughout adulthood. Promoting neurogenesis in these areas is crucial for maintaining cognitive function, memory, and emotional regulation. In this article, we will explore four ways to promote neurogenesis in the brain, including intermittent fasting, traveling to new places, learning a new instrument, and reading novels.

1. Intermittent Fasting and Neurogenesis:

A 2015 Stanford study discovered a fascinating link between intermittent fasting and neurogenesis. Calorie restriction and fasting not only enhance synaptic plasticity and promote neuron growth but also reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases and improve cognitive function. Two common methods of intermittent fasting include a 16-hour daily fasting period and a 24-hour fast once a week. By adopting these practices, you can harness the benefits of neurogenesis while also improving overall health.

2. Traveling to Promote Neurogenesis:

Traveling to new places offers more than just scenic views and exciting experiences; it also stimulates neurogenesis. When exposed to novel and complex environments, our brains react by sprouting dendrites, leading to increased brain capacity. Clinical neuropsychologist Paul Nussbaum explains that challenging situations during travel can trigger the growth of neural networks. So, the next time you plan a vacation, remember that you're not only exploring the world but also nurturing your brain.

3. Learning a New Instrument:

Learning to play a new instrument is a multisensory motor experience that promotes the growth of new neurons. A 2010 study revealed that acquiring and maintaining musical skills throughout your lifetime fosters the formation of neural networks. While learning an instrument in adulthood is beneficial, starting in childhood yields more significant results. Early musical training has been linked to larger corpus callosum, improving communication between the brain's hemispheres. So, encourage children to embrace the joy of music and reap the long-lasting benefits of neurogenesis.

4. Reading Novels and Brain Connectivity:

Reading fiction novels can transport us into the minds of the protagonists. A study from Emory University found increased ongoing connectivity in the brains of participants after reading the same novel. Enhanced brain activity was observed in regions responsible for physical sensations and movement. This ability to shift into another mental state supports healthy neurogenesis. So, indulge in the pleasure of reading and allow your brain to thrive.


Promoting neurogenesis in the brain is essential for maintaining cognitive abilities and overall brain health. Incorporating intermittent fasting, exploring new places, learning a new instrument, and reading novels can all contribute to the growth of new neurons. By adopting these practices, you not only enhance your brain's capacity but also enjoy the many benefits that come with it, including improved memory, reduced risk of neurodegenerative diseases, and enhanced cognitive function.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Incorporate intermittent fasting into your routine, such as a 16-hour fasting period each day or a 24-hour fast once a week.
  • 2. Plan regular trips to new places to expose your brain to novel and challenging environments.
  • 3. Consider learning a musical instrument, whether as an adult or encourage children to start early, to promote neurogenesis and reap the benefits of enhanced brain connectivity.

Remember, our brains have the remarkable ability to generate new neurons, and by nurturing neurogenesis, we can unlock our brain's full potential.

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