Ethical Practices in Fashion and the Rise of Neurodiverse Art

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Nov 22, 2023

3 min read


Ethical Practices in Fashion and the Rise of Neurodiverse Art


In recent years, the fashion industry has faced increasing scrutiny over its ethical practices, from sourcing materials to the treatment of workers. On the other hand, the art world is starting to recognize the importance of neurodiverse art, challenging traditional notions of what constitutes "real" art. In this article, we will explore the commonalities between these two seemingly unrelated topics and shed light on the efforts being made to create a more ethical and inclusive world.

Ethics in the Fashion Industry:

One of the key concerns in the fashion industry is the sourcing of materials and how they are produced. Consumers are becoming more conscious of the environmental impact of their clothing, leading them to question the origins of the fabrics used. Ethical fashion brands are now expected to provide detailed information about each material type they use, including the countries they are sourced from and any certifications they hold.

Additionally, the end-of-life journey for fashion products is a pressing issue. Consumers want to know how their products can be recycled and kept in the resource loop. Sustainable brands are taking steps to address this by implementing recycling programs and using eco-friendly packaging. Furthermore, the shipping of products is also coming under scrutiny, with consumers demanding carbon-neutral shipping options.

Another important aspect of ethical fashion is the treatment of workers involved in the production process. Brands are being asked to provide transparency about who makes their products and how they ensure fair wages for these individuals. Alongside this, brands are also being encouraged to foster diversity and equity within their businesses, both in terms of the models they showcase and the staff they employ.

The Rise of Neurodiverse Art:

Neurodiversity is a concept that challenges the stigmatization of people with conditions such as autism. It recognizes that these conditions are simply variations of normal human characteristics, with unique qualities of their own. The art world has been slow to embrace neurodiverse artists, but there are signs of progress.

Project Art Works, an organization that promotes neurodiverse art, has encountered resistance from institutions within the cultural sector. Some have questioned the presence of artists with learning disabilities in the same spaces as "artists of caliber." This attitude reflects the conservative nature of the contemporary visual arts scene, which is often driven by theory, commerce, and ego.

Critics of neurodiverse art often dismiss it as "worthy" or "charity" rather than recognizing it as legitimate art. This stems from a traditional understanding of the "artist with a capital A" and a failure to understand the collaborative nature of neurodiverse artistic practices. Neurodiverse artists are challenging these perceptions, asserting that their work is not outsider art but simply art.

Connecting the Dots:

Although seemingly unrelated, the fashion industry's ethical practices and the rise of neurodiverse art share common threads. Both movements aim to challenge traditional perceptions and create more inclusive spaces. Ethical fashion brands and neurodiverse artists are pushing boundaries, urging society to reconsider preconceived notions and embrace diversity in all its forms.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Support Ethical Fashion: Research and choose brands that prioritize ethical practices, from sourcing materials to worker wages. By supporting these brands, you contribute to a more sustainable and equitable fashion industry.
  • 2. Embrace Neurodiverse Art: Seek out exhibitions and artists that challenge traditional notions of art. By engaging with neurodiverse art, you support the recognition and inclusion of artists with diverse backgrounds and abilities.
  • 3. Educate Others: Spread awareness about ethical fashion and neurodiverse art. Share your knowledge with friends, family, and social media followers to encourage a more conscious and inclusive society.

In conclusion, the fashion industry's ethical practices and the rise of neurodiverse art are two interconnected movements striving for a more inclusive and sustainable world. By supporting ethical fashion brands and embracing neurodiverse art, we can contribute to a society that values diversity and challenges traditional norms.

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