The Intersection of Education and Stimming Behaviors: A Holistic Approach towards Inclusion and Well-being

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Aug 24, 2023

3 min read


The Intersection of Education and Stimming Behaviors: A Holistic Approach towards Inclusion and Well-being


In recent years, Finland has been hailed as a global leader in education, consistently ranking at the top of international assessments. While many factors contribute to this success, one key aspect stands out: Finland's commitment to prioritizing the basics and creating an equitable school environment. Simultaneously, the concept of stimming behaviors, often associated with individuals on the autism spectrum, has gained recognition as a means of self-regulation and comfort. This article explores the common ground between Finland's educational approach and the understanding of stimming behaviors, highlighting the importance of inclusivity, well-being, and holistic development.

Education as a Tool for Social Equality:

Finland's educational philosophy centers around the belief that education should be an instrument to balance out social inequality. Rather than focusing solely on academic excellence, Finland emphasizes the importance of providing equal opportunities for all students. By prioritizing inclusivity and ensuring that every child has access to quality education, Finland aims to create a society where social disparities are minimized. This approach aligns with the understanding that stimming behaviors can manifest as a response to stress, anxiety, or discomfort. By addressing the underlying causes of such behaviors, Finland's education system promotes a supportive environment that accommodates diverse needs.

Promoting Equitable Well-being:

Another notable aspect of Finland's educational system is its commitment to the well-being of students. One way this is achieved is through the provision of free school meals to all students. By ensuring that every child receives proper nutrition, Finland recognizes the impact of physical well-being on academic performance and overall development. Similarly, stimming behaviors often serve as a means of self-soothing or seeking comfort. Understanding this, Finland's emphasis on holistic well-being resonates with the idea that supporting individuals' emotional and sensory needs is crucial for their overall growth and success.

Access to Healthcare and Support:

Finland's educational approach is further strengthened by its emphasis on providing ease of access to healthcare. By ensuring that students have access to necessary medical support, Finland acknowledges the importance of addressing physical and mental health concerns in an educational setting. Similarly, the recognition of stimming behaviors as a coping mechanism highlights the significance of understanding individual needs and providing appropriate support. By integrating healthcare and educational systems, Finland promotes an environment where students can thrive academically and personally.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Prioritize inclusivity and equity: Emulate Finland's approach by focusing on creating an educational environment that caters to the diverse needs of students. Implement inclusive policies, such as providing equal opportunities and resources, to ensure that every student can thrive.
  • 2. Promote holistic well-being: Recognize the importance of physical and emotional well-being in academic success. Consider implementing measures such as free school meals and mental health support to address students' comprehensive needs.
  • 3. Foster collaboration between education and healthcare: Establish partnerships and communication channels between educational institutions and healthcare providers. By integrating support systems, students can receive the necessary help and accommodation to navigate stimming behaviors and other challenges effectively.


Finland's success in education can be attributed to its commitment to prioritizing the basics and creating an equitable environment. Similarly, the understanding of stimming behaviors as a means of self-regulation and comfort emphasizes the importance of inclusivity and holistic well-being. By integrating these concepts, educational systems worldwide can strive towards creating environments that support the needs of all students. Emulating Finland's approach and incorporating actionable advice, we can pave the way for a transformative educational landscape that fosters inclusivity, well-being, and success for every learner.

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