"Understanding Stimming Behaviors and Leading in a Systems World: Connecting the Dots"

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Aug 15, 2023

3 min read


"Understanding Stimming Behaviors and Leading in a Systems World: Connecting the Dots"


In this article, we will explore the concept of stimming behaviors and how they relate to leading in a systems world. Stimming, which refers to self-stimulating behaviors such as repetitive body movements and noises, is often exhibited when individuals are overwhelmed, anxious, or seeking comfort. Similarly, leading in a systems world requires embracing both disorder and order, making connections between different elements, and driving meaningful change. By finding common ground between these two topics, we can gain valuable insights into understanding human behavior and effective leadership.

Stimming Behaviors and Self-Stimulation:

Stimming behaviors are a way for individuals to regulate their emotions and find comfort in various situations. Whether it's repetitive hand movements, rocking back and forth, or making repetitive sounds, stimming can be triggered by a range of emotions and environmental factors. It serves as a coping mechanism for individuals to manage stress, anxiety, or even excitement. By recognizing the underlying reasons behind stimming, we can foster empathy and understanding towards those who engage in these behaviors.

Leading in a Systems World:

Leading in a systems world requires acknowledging the interplay between disorder and order. Our brains are wired to seek patterns and make sense of our surroundings, allowing us to navigate through life's complexities. Similarly, systems mapping visually represents the various factors at play in a system and their interactions. By incorporating systems-led design and bringing together different elements into a cohesive whole, leaders can drive outcomes-focused change.

Building Connections and Embracing Diversity:

A crucial aspect of leading in a systems world is building connections between diverse forms of knowledge and understanding. This involves fostering open conversations that allow for disagreement and diversity of thought. By moving away from antagonism and focusing on making connections, leaders can tap into the collective intelligence of their teams and promote innovative problem-solving. It's important to inspire individuals to be open-minded and inclusive, as this can lead to more comprehensive and effective solutions.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Embrace Disorder and Order: Recognize that disorder and order are not mutually exclusive but rather coexist in our lives. Embrace the chaos while seeking patterns and making sense of the world around you.
  • 2. Set Vector Targets: Instead of focusing on specific end goals, provide your team with a direction, speed, and intensity of change. This empowers them to think creatively and explore different ways to improve the overall health of the system.
  • 3. Foster a Growth Mindset: Encourage your team to embrace change and challenge their mental models. Help them understand that changing the way they think is essential for effective change implementation. Support them in adapting various tools and methods to their specific situation, promoting flexibility and continuous learning.


Understanding stimming behaviors and leading in a systems world may seem like two unrelated topics at first glance. However, by finding commonalities and connecting the dots, we can gain valuable insights into human behavior and effective leadership. By embracing disorder and order, building connections, and fostering a growth mindset, leaders can drive meaningful change in a systems world. Remember, true change requires courage, commitment, and a holistic approach that encompasses all elements of the system.

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