The Educational Success of Finland and the Foundation for Equitable Education

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Jul 19, 2023

3 min read


The Educational Success of Finland and the Foundation for Equitable Education


Finland has gained international recognition for its exceptional education system. The country's approach to education goes beyond achieving outstanding academic results. Instead, Finland prioritizes creating an equitable and inclusive school environment. This article explores the reasons behind Finland's educational success and draws parallels with the efforts of the Dusseldorp Forum, an independent foundation in Australia dedicated to improving education, health, and social outcomes for children and their communities.

1. Focusing on the Basics:

One of the key aspects of Finland's education system is its emphasis on the fundamentals. Rather than striving for dominance in academic rankings, Finnish educators concentrate on providing a well-rounded education that equips students with essential skills for life. This approach ensures that all students receive a comprehensive education that prepares them for the challenges they may face in the future.

2. Balancing Social Inequality:

In Finland, education is viewed as a means to address social inequality. The Finnish education system aims to provide equal opportunities for all students, regardless of their socio-economic backgrounds. By prioritizing equitable access to quality education, Finland has successfully minimized the achievement gap between students from different socio-economic backgrounds. This commitment to reducing educational disparities has contributed to Finland's position as a leader in education.

3. Holistic Support for Students:

In addition to focusing on academics, Finland recognizes the importance of holistic student support. All students in Finland receive free school meals, ensuring that no child goes hungry and reducing barriers to learning. Furthermore, easy access to healthcare services is provided, ensuring that students can receive the necessary medical support when needed. By addressing students' basic needs, Finland creates a conducive environment for learning and overall well-being.

The Connection with the Dusseldorp Forum:

The Dusseldorp Forum, an independent foundation in Australia, shares a common goal with Finland's education system. Their focus on improving education, health, and social outcomes for children and their communities aligns with Finland's dedication to fostering an equitable school environment. Both entities recognize that education plays a crucial role in addressing social inequality and creating a better future for young people.

Unique Insights:

While Finland's education system serves as an inspiration for educational reforms worldwide, it is important to adapt their ideas to suit each country's unique context. The success of Finland's approach is not solely attributed to specific policies or practices but rather to a comprehensive system that prioritizes equity, holistic support, and fundamental education. By embracing these underlying principles, countries can enhance their own education systems and work towards achieving similar outcomes.

Three Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Prioritize Equity: Education should be seen as a means to address social inequality. Governments and educational institutions should work towards providing equal opportunities for all students, regardless of their background. This can be achieved through policies that ensure equitable access to resources, support, and quality education.
  • 2. Holistic Student Support: Recognize the importance of addressing students' basic needs, such as providing free meals and easy access to healthcare. By creating a supportive environment that caters to students' physical and emotional well-being, educational outcomes can be improved.
  • 3. Foster Collaboration: Collaboration among various stakeholders, including educators, policymakers, parents, and communities, is essential for creating sustainable change in education. By sharing solutions, resources, and expertise, we can collectively work towards improving education and empowering future generations.


Finland's educational success can be attributed to its commitment to equity, holistic support, and fundamental education. By prioritizing these principles, Finland has created an inclusive and high-performing education system. The Dusseldorp Forum in Australia shares a similar vision, working towards improving education, health, and social outcomes for children and their communities. By adopting the lessons learned from Finland and fostering collaboration, countries can work towards creating educational systems that provide equal opportunities for all and contribute to a brighter future.

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