The Hooked Model is a framework that explains how products and services can create habits and retain users. It consists of four stages: trigger, action, variable reward, and investment. By understanding and implementing this model, businesses can create addictive experiences that keep users coming back for more.


Hatched by Glasp

Sep 27, 2023

3 min read


The Hooked Model is a framework that explains how products and services can create habits and retain users. It consists of four stages: trigger, action, variable reward, and investment. By understanding and implementing this model, businesses can create addictive experiences that keep users coming back for more.

  • 1. The Trigger

The trigger is the first step in the Hooked Model and is designed to prompt the user to take action. Triggers can be external or internal. External triggers are cues in the environment that remind users to engage with a product or service, such as a notification on a smartphone. Internal triggers, on the other hand, are emotions or thoughts that lead users to seek out a product or service. For example, feeling bored or lonely might trigger someone to open a social media app.

  • 2. The Action

Once the user is triggered, they take action by engaging with the product or service. This can be as simple as opening an app or clicking on a link. The action should be easy and require minimal effort from the user. The easier it is to take the desired action, the more likely users are to do it. For example, a one-click purchase option makes it effortless for users to buy a product.

  • 3. Variable Reward

The variable reward stage is where the magic happens. Users are rewarded for their actions, but the reward is not always the same. Instead, it is variable and unpredictable. This taps into the human desire for novelty and keeps users coming back for more. For example, social media platforms use variable rewards by showing users different types of content each time they scroll through their feed. This unpredictability creates anticipation and keeps users hooked.

  • 4. Investment

The investment stage is where users put something of value into the product or service. This could be time, money, or data. By investing, users increase their commitment and become more likely to continue using the product or service. For example, users who have spent time customizing their profiles on a social networking site are more likely to continue using it because they have invested effort into creating their online presence.

Now that we understand the Hooked Model, how can we apply it to growing decentralized communities?

  • 1. Creating Opportunities for Intrinsic Motivation

To grow a decentralized community, it is important to attract primarily intrinsically motivated community members. These are individuals who are genuinely interested in the community and its goals, rather than being driven solely by financial incentives. Instead of focusing marketing efforts on monetary rewards, highlight what differentiates the community and its values. This will attract individuals who are passionate about the cause and more likely to become long-term contributors.

  • 2. Building Relationships and Trust

Fostering minimum viable contributors is essential for community growth. This involves building relationships with new community members and providing opportunities for them to participate. Enable individuals to self-signal their intentions and create clear call-to-actions for different types of community contributors. By establishing trust and engagement from the start, you lay the foundation for long-term community ownership.

  • 3. Fostering Community Ownership

Community ownership is crucial for the long-term success of a decentralized community. This sense of ownership can only be cultivated once community members have invested enough time and energy into the community. Acknowledge the value that each community member brings and use monetary rewards as a way to recognize their contributions, rather than the primary incentive for participation. By fostering a sense of ownership, you retain key community contributors and create a sustainable community.

In conclusion, growing decentralized communities requires a focus on grassroots community leadership and ownership. By understanding and implementing the principles of the Hooked Model, such as creating triggers, making actions easy, providing variable rewards, and encouraging investment, you can create addictive experiences that keep users engaged. Additionally, by incorporating the three actionable advice mentioned above - creating opportunities for intrinsic motivation, building relationships and trust, and fostering community ownership - you can cultivate a strong and long-lasting decentralized community.

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