When to Dig a Moat: How to Study with a Highlighter


Hatched by Glasp

Aug 13, 2023

3 min read


When to Dig a Moat: How to Study with a Highlighter

In the business world, moats are essential for companies that have the best products, most talented people, and fastest growth. These moats act as barriers that protect a business' margins from the erosive forces of competition. There are seven types of moats: Economies of Scale, Network Effects, Counter-Positioning, Switching Costs, Brand, Cornered Resource, and Process Power. While moats are important for success, they should not be the primary focus for startups. Startups first need to achieve Product-Market Fit (PMF) before worrying about anything else.

Uncertainty is the primary moat for startups. It keeps competition at bay long enough for a moat to be built. The more obvious an idea is and the easier it is to build, the faster moats need to be established. On the other hand, if an idea is less obvious and harder to build, more time can be dedicated to digging moats. There are two types of uncertainties that startups face: Novelty Uncertainty and Complexity Uncertainty. Novelty Uncertainty deals with the uncertainty of whether a startup can actually build what they claim. Complexity Uncertainty assumes that a startup can build a product, but questions whether there will be a big and profitable market for it.

The depth of moat needed is determined by the balance between how obviously good an idea is and how hard it is to build. The easier it is for a startup to raise money, the more immediate the need for moats. For example, Airbnb faced significant challenges in raising money due to the complexity uncertainty they initially faced. This gave them time to develop their Brand and Network Effects moats, which have protected them and led to their impressive $91 billion market cap. This is why there is concern about the lack of moats in generative AI, as there is practically no uncertainty in that field.

In the realm of studying, using a highlighter can be a useful tool, but it also has its pitfalls. The first mistake to avoid is using the highlighter on the first pass of a text or document. Without fully comprehending the content, it is impossible to determine what the important points are. It is advisable to read the text once, take a break, reflect on the key takeaways, and then return to it with the highlighter for a second pass.

Another pitfall is relying solely on highlighting without taking notes. Writing your own notes is crucial for processing and understanding information. By putting concepts into your own words, you actively digest and make sense of the material, enhancing your comprehension and memory retention. Highlighting can work in conjunction with note-taking, but it should never replace it. If you use highlighting to mark specific quotes or information, it is important to differentiate between them using different colors or symbols. This helps prevent confusion and allows for easy reference when reviewing your notes.

To summarize, moats are vital for successful businesses, especially those experiencing rapid growth. Startups should focus on achieving Product-Market Fit before dedicating resources to establish moats. Uncertainty acts as a primary moat, keeping competition at bay. The depth of moat needed depends on the balance between the obviousness of an idea and the difficulty of building it. In the realm of studying, using a highlighter can be beneficial, but it should be used strategically. Avoid highlighting before fully comprehending the material, and always supplement highlighting with note-taking. By following these principles, startups can build strong moats, and students can effectively study and retain information.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Prioritize achieving Product-Market Fit before focusing on building moats for your startup.
  • 2. Use a highlighter strategically in your studying process, after fully comprehending the material.
  • 3. Always supplement highlighting with note-taking to enhance comprehension and memory retention.

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