Subscriber Q&A - Grow Your Channel - 🔴 LIVE REPLAY | Summary and Q&A

June 3, 2017
Nick Nimmin
YouTube video player
Subscriber Q&A - Grow Your Channel - 🔴 LIVE REPLAY


In this live stream Q&A, Nick shares tips for growing your YouTube channel and creating engaging content.

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Key Insights

  • 🏛️ Building a supportive YouTube community by collaborating and networking with other YouTubers can have a positive impact on growth.
  • 👨‍🔬 Optimizing playlists with descriptions and keywords can help improve their search rankings.
  • 🎮 Using plugins like TubeBuddy can optimize video SEO and assist in ranking videos in search results.
  • 🫵 Focusing on creating content based on trending topics can attract more viewers and improve visibility.
  • 📲 Building relationships with third-party companies or potential affiliates can be done through emails or phone calls, emphasizing the value you can bring to their brand.


microphone check uh one two one two microphone check one two one two alright seems like the microphone works what is going on everybody what is going on everybody hope everybody is having an awesome Saturday depending on if it is morning or night wherever you happen to be on your side or your particular position on this big humongous globe that we ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the best way to relaunch a YouTube channel?

Start making videos in your new direction and consider rebranding if necessary. Create a plan for long-term growth and sustainability.

Q: How can I reach my first 100 subscribers?

Focus on creating quality content consistently and consider sharing it in beauty and hairstyle-related groups on social media platforms.

Q: Do tags help with YouTube videos?

Yes, tags help with search engine optimization (SEO) and improving the discoverability of your content.

Q: What camera is the best for YouTube?

It depends on the type of content you create. Research cameras suitable for your needs and consider recommendations from Justin Brown and Owen Video.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Nick welcomes power hitters Justin Brown and Owen Video to the live stream, highlighting their expertise in gear tutorials and business videos.

  • The focus of the stream is to answer viewers' questions and provide support for their YouTube journeys.

  • Nick advises on relaunching a YouTube channel, reaching the first 100 subscribers, getting more views, and improving affiliate marketing.

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