Learn How To Grow YOUR YouTube Channel - LIVE | Summary and Q&A

May 2, 2020
Nick Nimmin
YouTube video player
Learn How To Grow YOUR YouTube Channel - LIVE


This content provides analysis and advice for YouTube content creators, focusing on topics such as promoting videos, growing subscribers, and improving channel performance.

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Key Insights

  • 👥 Posting videos in Facebook groups can be beneficial if the group is a good fit for your content and attracts potential subscribers.
  • ❓ Upgrading to TubeBuddy's Legend version offers additional features that can greatly enhance your channel growth.
  • 👶 Starting a YouTube channel for a child requires thorough research, protecting their privacy, and ensuring a safe online environment.
  • 🎮 Effective YouTube channel advertising involves creating compelling content, optimizing thumbnails and titles, and sharing videos on social media platforms.


what is going on welcome to another nimman live my name is Nick this is your first time here I'm helping you with your YouTube channel by answering your YouTube questions so if you have a question about what it is that you are doing on YouTube I have a forum down in the description of this video that I want you to go down into and go ahead and put ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Should I continue to post my videos in Facebook groups to gain more views and subscribers?

Posting videos in Facebook groups can be beneficial if the group is related to your content and attracts viewers who are interested in your channel's niche. However, make sure the group is a good fit for your content and that the people who view your videos are potential subscribers.

Q: Do I need to upgrade to TubeBuddy's Pro or Legend version for better channel growth?

Upgrading to TubeBuddy's Legend version is recommended as it offers additional features such as thumbnail A/B testing, which can greatly improve the effectiveness of your thumbnails. With A/B testing, you can compare different thumbnails and see how viewers respond to them, allowing you to optimize your thumbnails for maximum impact.

Q: What steps should I take to start a YouTube channel for my child who idolizes Ryan from Ryan's World?

To start a YouTube channel for your child, it's important to conduct research on successful channels in your niche and analyze what makes them popular. Consider the type of content your child wants to create and make sure to provide a safe online environment by following guidelines to protect their privacy and security.

Q: How do I efficiently advertise my YouTube channel for optimal growth?

The most effective way to advertise your YouTube channel is by creating compelling content that attracts viewers and engages them. Focus on improving your thumbnail and title strategies, as well as targeting the right audience. Share your videos on social media platforms and participate in relevant online communities. Building a strong presence on YouTube will ultimately lead to more organic growth and subscribers.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The livestream offers tips and advice for YouTube content creators, including answering questions and discussing topics related to YouTube channel growth.

  • The livestream is sponsored by TubeBuddy, a browser plugin that helps with video targeting and growth strategies for YouTube channels.

  • Viewers can submit questions in the description forum and receive answers in the livestream based on the order the questions are received.

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