Learn How To Grow And Thrive On YouTube | Summary and Q&A

December 17, 2022
Nick Nimmin
YouTube video player
Learn How To Grow And Thrive On YouTube


Learn how to build a community and monetize your YouTube channel through Q&A sessions and providing valuable content.

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Key Insights

  • 🍉 Balancing personal creativity and monetization goals is crucial for long-term success on YouTube.
  • 🆘 Experimentation and data analysis can help content creators make informed decisions about their content and audience preferences.
  • 🏛️ Providing value and maintaining authenticity are essential for building a loyal community on YouTube.
  • 🫵 Offering value-added content and incentives can encourage viewers to become channel members and support the creator.


welcome to nimin live the number one place on the internet to learn about YouTube network with other content creators and have an awesome time doing it my name is Nick and today I'm answering your YouTube questions so if you have a question about what it is that you are doing on YouTube there's a forum down in the description of the stream right no... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How can I pivot my YouTube channel towards a different niche without losing my current audience?

When changing your niche, it's important to consider the interests of your current audience and the potential new audience. Experiment with different content and evaluate the response to find a balance that suits both.

Q: Are thumbnails becoming less relevant due to auto-play previews?

Custom thumbnails are still vital for YouTube success. Auto-play previews may affect initial attention, but thumbnails are still featured in suggested videos and help grab viewers' attention.

Q: Why are my shorts affecting the views of my long-form videos?

Shorts can divert some attention from your long-form videos, but long-term growth and engagement should not be impacted. Consistency with long-form content and experimentation with shorts can help find the right balance.

Q: How can I ask my subscribers to become channel members if I don't want to show my face?

Offer exclusive content, motivational messages, or behind-the-scenes insights as perks for channel members. Focus on providing value to your viewers and give subtle prompts to join as members.

Q: Is it beneficial to create videos focusing on products or services I'm affiliated with?

Yes, creating videos highlighting products or services you're affiliated with can be beneficial. Focus on adding value and providing helpful information related to the products or services you're promoting.

Q: How can I take advantage of YouTube shorts to build my community?

Consistently upload shorts to your YouTube channel and evaluate which types of shorts resonate with your target audience. Pay attention to the content that receives the most positive response and create more of it.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • YouTube content creator answers viewer questions in a live stream, offering advice and guidance on various topics related to YouTube.

  • Viewers can submit questions through a form provided in the video description, and the content creator provides timestamps for easy navigation.

  • The content creator promotes TubeBuddy and StreamYard as useful tools for YouTube creators, highlighting their features and benefits.

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