How To Plan YouTube Videos That Will Grow Your Channel | Summary and Q&A

June 5, 2019
Nick Nimmin
YouTube video player
How To Plan YouTube Videos That Will Grow Your Channel


Learn how to plan your YouTube videos effectively for better results in just five steps.

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Key Insights

  • 🎮 Planning videos on YouTube involves five steps: coming up with a video idea, understanding the purpose, qualifying the video, identifying a target keyword, and creating a link plan.
  • 📼 The purpose of a video includes setting goals, providing viewer value, and considering how the video fits into playlists or series.
  • 😜 Qualifying a video involves assessing competition, search volume, and the chances of ranking and competing with other channels.
  • 🎯 Identifying a target keyword helps optimize the video's metadata and better communicate its content to YouTube.
  • 🍻 Creating a link plan is essential in encouraging viewers to explore more of your content by strategically linking related videos within your content, in end screens, and through other features.
  • 😄 The video planning process can be scaled up to cover a month's worth of content, generating internal traffic and pleasing YouTube's algorithm.
  • 😀 Using tools like TubeBuddy and specialized apps for iPad or tablets can aid in keyword research and video planning.


  • I'm gonna tell you how to plan your videos so you get better results here on YouTube and we're starting right now. (upbeat hip hop music) What is going on? My name is Nick, welcome to another video. If this is your first time here and you want to learn how to grow your channel, make videos and all types of other YouTube related stuff, start now b... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why is coming up with a video idea the first step in planning?

Coming up with a video idea is essential because without a solid concept, you won't have content to create and share on YouTube. It sets the foundation for your entire video planning process.

Q: How does understanding the purpose of a video impact its success?

Knowing the purpose of your video helps ensure that it aligns with your overall goals and mission on YouTube. It also ensures that viewers will find value in watching it, increasing the chances of it being worth their time.

Q: Why is qualifying the video important?

Qualifying the video involves assessing its potential for success by considering factors such as competition, search volume, and the size of existing channels covering the same topic. By doing this research, you can determine if creating the video is worth your time and effort.

Q: What does it mean to identify a target for a specific video?

Identifying a target for a video refers to selecting a keyword or keyword phrase that the video should rank for or be associated with. This helps optimize the video's metadata, including the title, description, and tags, to tell YouTube what the video is about and improve its chances of reaching the right audience.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The first step in planning a successful YouTube video is coming up with a video idea. Without an idea, there can be no video.

  • Understanding the purpose of the video is crucial. This includes knowing your goals, the value you're providing to viewers, and how the video fits into your playlist or series.

  • Qualifying the video involves ensuring there is an audience for it and conducting keyword research to determine its potential for ranking and competing with other videos.

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