How To Get Views On YouTube ( 10 Simple Ways ) | Summary and Q&A

June 7, 2019
Nick Nimmin
YouTube video player
How To Get Views On YouTube ( 10 Simple Ways )


Learn 10 strategies to increase views on YouTube, including optimizing for search, guest posting, using press releases, leveraging social media, creating a newsletter, collaborating with others, utilizing pinned comments and description links, promoting through your community feed, and utilizing series playlists.

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Key Insights

  • 🫵 Understanding YouTube's search discovery system and optimizing your videos accordingly is crucial for increasing views.
  • 💨 Guest posting can be an effective way to reach new audiences and gain exposure for your YouTube channel.
  • 😑 Leveraging press releases can generate additional attention and views, but only if your content is exceptional and newsworthy.
  • 💗 Utilizing social media platforms and engaging in conversations related to your video content can help grow your following and attract more views.
  • 🤘 Creating a newsletter with exclusive content or additional information can incentivize viewers to sign up and receive notifications of your new videos.
  • 🫵 Collaborating with other content creators through video exchanges, podcast appearances, or guest posts can expand your reach and attract new viewers.
  • 🫵 Pinned comments and description links can direct viewers to more of your content, increasing views and engagement.
  • 🎮 Utilizing your community feed and promoting your own videos can bring more attention to your content and encourage viewers to watch more of your videos.
  • 🫵 Series playlists can enhance viewer experience and increase the chances of YouTube recommending more of your videos together.


  • I'm gonna tell you 10 different ways to get more views on YouTube. Even if you've watched all of my videos, there's a couple of things in here that I've never mentioned in a video, so make sure you stick around to see what they are, 'cause we're starting right now. (rap music) What is going on? My name is Nick from Welcome to anot... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How can I optimize my videos for the YouTube search discovery system?

To optimize your videos, conduct keyword research to find phrases that people are searching for, and include these keywords in your title, description, and tags.

Q: How can I reach new audiences through guest posting?

Contact relevant blogs or websites in your niche and offer to write a guest post that includes a link to your YouTube video, ensuring that your content aligns with their audience's interests.

Q: Are press releases effective for gaining more attention to my YouTube channel?

Press releases can be effective if you have exceptional, unique content to share. Make sure your content is newsworthy and of interest to the press before using this strategy.

Q: How can I promote my videos on social media without a large following?

Share your videos anyway, and actively engage in conversations on platforms like Twitter related to your video topics to gain recognition and grow your following over time.

Q: What should I offer in a newsletter to encourage viewers to sign up?

Offer additional behind-the-scenes content, exclusive information, or notifications of video releases to incentivize viewers to sign up for your newsletter.

Q: How can I collaborate with other content creators to increase views?

You can collaborate through video exchanges, podcast appearances, or guest posts, promoting each other's content across different platforms to reach new audiences.

Q: How can I use pinned comments and description links to increase views?

Pin a comment under your video that directs viewers to another video on your channel, and include links to related videos or playlists in your video description to encourage viewers to watch more of your content.

Q: How can I utilize series playlists effectively?

Check the series box for a set of related videos, ensuring that the videos within the series are directly connected and relevant. This increases the chances that YouTube will recommend them together.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Learn how the YouTube search discovery system works and optimize your videos for search by using relevant keywords in titles, descriptions, and tags.

  • Utilize guest posting to reach new audiences by contacting relevant blogs or websites in your niche and asking to write a guest post that includes a link to your YouTube video.

  • Consider using press releases to generate more attention to your exceptional content, ensuring that it is truly unique and worthy of a press release.

  • Share your videos on social media platforms, even if you don't have a large following, and engage in conversations related to your content to gain recognition and grow your following.

  • Create a newsletter for your YouTube channel, offering exclusive content or behind-the-scenes information to incentivize viewers to sign up and receive notifications of your new video releases.

  • Collaborate with other content creators, either through video exchanges or by promoting each other's content on different platforms.

  • Utilize pinned comments and description links to direct viewers to other relevant videos on your channel, encouraging them to watch more of your content.

  • Take advantage of your community feed, recommending your own videos to your audience and increasing chances for them to watch more of your content.

  • Make use of series playlists by checking the series box for related videos, increasing the likelihood that YouTube will recommend these videos together.

  • Plan your content strategically to ensure consistent and engaging videos that attract and retain viewers.

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