How To Get Better At YouTube and Making YouTube Videos | Summary and Q&A

August 2, 2017
Nick Nimmin
YouTube video player
How To Get Better At YouTube and Making YouTube Videos


Learn to systemize your content creation process, study successful channels, try using bullet points instead of scripts, analyze your analytics, and practice regularly to improve your YouTube skills.

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Key Insights

  • 🎮 Systemizing your content creation process by batch recording and organizing your videos can streamline your workflow and reduce stress.
  • 🆘 Studying successful channels and emulating their strategies can provide valuable insights and help you improve your YouTube skills.
  • 😥 Using bullet points instead of scripts can enhance your authenticity and allow your personality to come through in your videos.
  • 🦮 Properly analyzing your analytics, especially the audience retention report, can guide you in creating more engaging content.
  • 🚚 Regular practice is essential for improving your YouTube skills and developing your style, technique, and vocal delivery.
  • 🙊 Practice speaking to yourself, even in private, can help improve your voice projection and vocalization of your thoughts.
  • 💄 The more you practice, the better you will become at creating content, regardless of the type of content you are making.


  • I'm gonna tell you five easy ways for how you, can get better at YouTube, and we're startin right now. What is goin on, my name is Nick, welcome to another video. If this is your first time here, and you want to learn how to grow your channel, make videos and all types of other YouTube related stuff, start now by subscribing and clicking the bell... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How can systemizing my content creation process help me get better at YouTube?

Systemizing your content creation process allows you to efficiently batch record videos and organize them, reducing stress and making it easier to edit and publish your content. It also helps you develop a workflow and build a large archive of videos.

Q: How can studying successful channels improve my YouTube skills?

By studying successful channels, you can identify patterns and strategies that work well. Analyzing their content, engagement tactics, and audience interactions can provide valuable insights that you can apply to your own channel to improve your YouTube skills.

Q: Why should I consider using bullet points instead of scripts?

Using bullet points instead of scripts allows for a more natural and authentic delivery. It helps you focus on expressing your thoughts spontaneously and allows your personality to shine through, enhancing viewer engagement and connection.

Q: How can analyzing my analytics help me improve on YouTube?

Analyzing your analytics, particularly the audience retention report, helps you understand if your content is engaging enough to hold viewers' attention. It allows you to make data-driven decisions and optimize your videos for better audience retention, which is crucial for YouTube success.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Systemize your content creation process by batch recording videos and organizing them on your hard drive. This will make it easier to edit and publish your content.

  • Study successful YouTube channels to understand what makes them popular and try to emulate their strategies.

  • Consider using bullet points instead of scripts to let your personality shine through in your videos.

  • Analyze your analytics, specifically the audience retention report, to determine if your content is engaging enough for viewers to watch till the end.

  • Regular practice is crucial for improving your YouTube skills and developing your style and technique.

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